CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
For those of you that joined us last year after Halloween you’re in for a treat. Yup thats right, its that time of year again. Find your four person team for our annual Halloween competition Friday, October 26th.
The workouts will be programmed for all levels to compete. You can have a coed teams or not.
All teams are required to workout in costume at all times.
The day will be a regular class schedule and your team can workout at any class time. Later that night we will have some food and drinks and vote on the best costume.
We will take pictures of every class and all the members will vote at the end of the day for best team. Prizes for the winning team.
Talk to Eric or I if you have any questions.
Its so much fun if everyone does it. Please be a part of it!
I will post 2-3 team WODs ahead of time for everyone to prepare.
Back Squat (1×9 70% 1×9 74% 1×9 78%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
2 Push Presses (115/80)
2 T2B
2 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
4 Push Presses (115/80)
4 T2B
4 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Up by (2’s) until finish