CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Metcon (No Measure)
5 laps around the gym
2 rounds
:15 right side plank
:15 left side plank
:15 plank
10 supermans
Soldier walks
Quad pulls
Cherry pickers
Butt kicks down and back
High knees down and back
5 Worms
10 Lunges
90/90 stretch
child’s pose
5 jumping squats
5 Rounds
5 push ups
5 airsquats
15 sit-ups
Grab a bar
Burgener warmup
Metcon (Weight)
MIn 0-1 (1 minute)
10 Clean and jerk 95/65
Min 1-2 (1 minute)
10 T2B
Min 2-3 Rest (1 minute)
Min 3-5 (2 minutes)
8 Clean and jerk 135/95
Min 5-6 (1 minute)
10 T2B
Min 6-7 Rest (1 minute)
Min 7-9 (2 minutes)
6 Clean and jerk 155/105
Min 9-10 (1 minute)
10 T2B
Min 10-11 Rest (1 minute)
Min 11-13 (2 minute)
3 Clean and jerk max Weight across
ADV RX as written
RX 75/55, 95/65, 115/80 and 8 T2B
Measure for this WOD is ADV RX or RX if you get all the reps and do the prescribed Weight and your score is the weight you choose for your last 3 clean and jerks.