

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

Celebrating August – September birthdays this Sunday at Boat Yard Eats in Cornelius @6:30-7:00. 2 big birthdays that passed are Melissa Holden’s 50th and Jenn T’s 40th.

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Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Rounds:

Min 1: 5 Push Presses (95/65)

Min 2: 30 Sec Max Bar MU

Mn 3: 10/7 Calorie Bike

Min 4: 10 Wallballs (20/14)

Min 5: HS walks skill work

Min 6: Rest


Min 1: 5 PP (75/55),

Min 2: Max C2B,

Min 3: 10/7 Cal Bike

Min 4: 10 Wallballs 20/14

Min 5: Handstand shoulder touches skill work

Min 6: Rest


Min 1: 5 PP (75/55),

Min 2: Max Pullups

Min 3: 10/7 Cal Bike

Min 4: 10 Wallballs 20/14

Min 5: Plank shoulder touches skill work

Min 6: Rest

Score is Reps on Min 2 (Bar Mu, C2B, Pull-ups, Ring Rows)

Optional Extra Strength Work

Front Squat

2×4 @ 70%

2×3 @ 75%

2×2 @ 80%

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