CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Both lifts off the rack
Snatch Technique
3 Sets:
3 Snatch Drops
2 Snatch Balances
Technique Loads: No Higher Than 35% of 1RM Squat Snatch
Snatch Balance
On the 1:30 x 5 Sets:
2 Snatch Balances
Sets: 50-60-70-70-70% of 1RM Squat Snatch
• Building a little heavier and just sticking to the snatch balance in Part B
• Complete 2 snatch balances at increasing loads every 90 seconds
• Sets begin on the 0:00 – 1:30 – 3:00 – 4:30 – 6:00
Snake Bite (Time)
Squat Snatch, 95/65
CTB Pull-Ups