7 Rounds For Time (18 Minute Cap):
7 C2B
7 Dumbbell Front Squats
7 Dumbbell Push Jerks (R)
7 Dumbbell Push Jerks (L)
Dumbbells: 50 / 35 lb’s
– aim to move through this workout at maximum sustainable pace. The biggest factor here will be shoulder fatigue as all these movements will have a demand on the shoulder.
– C2B: Reps should take 30s or less to complete.
– DB Front Squats: Reps should be performed with 2 dumbbells and completed in 30s or less.
– DB Push Jerks: Reps should be performed with a single dumbbell. A push jerk is required for this workout (push press or strict press would be considered modified/scaled). Reps should take 30s or less each side.
– Score: Total time. If capped, add 1s for every incomplete rep.
Echo Bike Conditioning
[2 Sets]:
9 Rounds:
60 Seconds Work
30 Seconds Rest
Rest 4 Minutes Between Sets.
5 Sets [Building To Heavy]:
3 Back Squats
*Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Sets