CrossFit – Mon, Jul 31
Power Clean (5×5 @80% same weight across for all sets)
12 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
60/40 Calorie Echo Bike
Max Rounds With Remaining …..
30 DU, 1 Front Squat
30 DU, 2 Front Squats
30 DU, 3 Front Squats
Barbell 115/85
-Shoulder and leg fatigue will be the factor
-Bike should take 6:00 or less
-DU 45s or less
-Barbell is taken from the ground
-Yes you can Squat Clean the first Rep
-The Echo Bike Calories are not included
Extra work (AMRAP – Reps)
(2 SETS) take 4 minutes between sets
10 Rounds
:40s ON
:20s OFF
*Total Calories
5 High Box Jumps
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets
Cleans are to be caught above parallel
Reps do not need to be unbroken
You choose your box hight each set
The high box jumps helps develop explosive leg and hip extension