CrossFit – Wed, Jun 26
General Warm-up
1 set:
10 PVC pass throughs
10 PVC alternating back rack lunges
10 PVC Good Mornings
10 push-ups
10 air squats
5 burpees
1 set:
1:00 couch stretch/leg
1:00 child’s pose stretch
Front Squat (6×2 climbing )
Metcon (Time)
10 Rounds For Time:
1 Deadlift, 1 T2B
100m Run
2 Deadlifts, 2 T2B
100m Run
3 Deadlifts, 3 T2B
100m Run
4 Deadlifts, 4 T2B
100m Run
.…… continue to add one rep until you finish 10 with a 100m run to end it
ADV Deadlift: 225 / 155 lb
RX Deadlift: 185/125
6×2 add weight as you go. Log your heaviest set of 2