Dynamic skill warm-up
2 sets:
:20 Samson stretch/leg
10 hollow rocks
10 alternating reverse lunges
10 PVC pass-throughs
:10 ring support hold
10 push-ups to down dog
Ring dip
1 round:
5 foot-assisted ring dips
Rest :30
3-5 strict ring dips
3 sets:
6 overhead squats
3-5 ring dips
– Take the barbell from the ground.
– RX –
6 overhead squats (105/155 lb)
9 strict ring dips
6 overhead squats (75/115 lb)
9 strict toe-assisted ring dips
6 overhead squats (35/45 lb)
9 jumping ring dips
1 set:
1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm
-AMRAP 10:
6 single-arm DB overhead squats (35/50 lb)
9 hand-release push-ups
– Alternate arms every round.
For load:
Snatch, clean, or jerk:
5 reps x 4 sets at 50-60%
4 reps x 3 sets at 60-70%
– Welcome to week 1 of our Strength I cycle. For the next eight weeks, choose between snatch, clean, or jerk (push or split) and stick with the same lift for the entire eight weeks. You can change the lift in the next eight-week cycle.
– Use a recent 1-rep-max to find your percentages.
– Take the barbell out of a rack for the jerk.
– Rest as needed between sets.
For load:
Shoulder press
– Max reps on the last set.)
5 sets:
Sled push (100 ft)
Sled pull (100 ft)
1:00 sandbag hold at the chest (100/150 lb)
– Add 50/90 lb to the sled.
– Rest 2:00 between sets.
– Plan for 20-25 minutes to complete this session.
– Use a rope to backpedal while you pull the sled and keep the rope on the sled while you push.
– Move as fast as possible on the sled push and pull.
– Use the heaviest bag possible for the sandbag hold. Hang on for as long as possible; however, you should have to break more than once in each set.
EMOM 20:
Min. 1 | :30 double-unders
Min. 2 | Max-distance handstand walk
– This is a great time to practice double-unders and work through frustration if still developing this skill.
– Take your time on the handstand walks. If needed, practice shoulder taps against the wall.
– Advanced athletes should consider using a heavy rope if available.
4 sets for total time:
200-meter jog
400-meter run
100-meter jog
100-meter sprint
– Each run should be a hard effort relative to the distance; avoid pacing.
– There is no rest between sets. Use the 200-meter recovery jog as your rest and then hit the next interval as hard as possible.
– Perform this on a track if you are able.
– This session should take no more than 25 minutes to complete.
– Welcome to week one of our Strength II cycle where we will shoulder press for the next four weeks.
– Find a heavy set of 5 shoulder presses for the day.
– Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 5 reps in that final set without pushing to failure.