Halloween 3

Halloween 3

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

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1: Metcon (Weight)

0-10 minutes each team member establishes a 3 rep touch and go clean max. Score is the total weight for the entire team. Example: Athlete A does 100lbs, B does 100lbs and C does 100lbs. Score is 300lbs.


2: Metcon (Time)

Relay style, with each member completing their full workout before tagging the next:

(A) 9-6-3:

Kettlebell Deadlift 24/16kg, burpees

(B) 12-9-6:

Chest-Level Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg, burpees

(C) 15-12-9: Overhead Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg, burpees

Teams can choose which athlete does which workout, but each athlete must complete one of the three above. Athlete “A” starts the order and completes the full 9-6-3 before tagging Athete “B”. When Athete “B” completes their portion, they tag Athlete “C”. When Athlete “C” completes their final workout, that total time is the score for the event.

3: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Event 3

AMRAP x 15min:

15 T2B*

15 Wallballs* 20/14

15 Barbell Repetitions* 75/55

45 Cal Row*

Each team member completes repetitions at each station before the team advances.


Athlete 1 – 15 T2B or 30 knee ups

Athlete 2 – 15 Knee ups

Athlete 3 – 15 Sit-ups

*Wallballs –

Athlete 1 – 15 Medball Front Squats

Athlete 2 – 15 Medball Thrusters

Athlete 3 – 15 Wallball Shots

*15 Barbell Repetitions

Athlete 1 – 15 Deadlifts (75/55#)

Athlete 2 – 15 Hang Cleans (75/55#)

Athlete 3 – 15 Hang Snatches (75/55#)


Athlete 1 – 15 Cal Row

Athlete 2 – 15 Cal Row

Athlete 3 – 15 Cal Row

Picture of PPLAdmin
