#cfastrong #crossfit #fitfamily

#cfastrong #crossfit #fitfamily
I’m not there to be the strongest woman in the gym. I’m there to be stronger than I was yesterday and to be able to use that strength to make my everyday life easier. I am stronger. Things are easier. I have a bunch of personal goals that I hope to achieve by year 2 (like being able to do real push ups and maybe even 1 pull up) and I look forward to the journey getting there.
Here’s just a small piece of what I’ve uncovered over the course of the first few classes that have held true now that I am almost 1 year into my Cross Fit Allegiance journey.
1. You do NOT have to be strong to walk in. I literally had almost no strength when I walked in. I did air squats because I wasn’t strong enough to use weights. It didn’t matter and I wasn’t the only one.
2. Walking in the first day is the hardest part of CF. If you can get yourself through the door, you are going to find amazingly encouraging and knowledgeable owners who are kind and want you to be safe and grow personally. You will find other people who are going to welcome you immediately and will also help to encourage you. These same people will work as your inspiration for what you might want to be able to do in the future. If you need someone to walk through the door with, I’ll meet you outside.
3. EVERYTHING we do everyday can be modified and will be modified when you start. You don’t have to figure it out. They will patiently tell you what to do.
4. You will NOT be the only one doing things modified. Many people in every class everyday are modifying at least part of the workout.
5. NOBODY looks down on you for modifying your workout. They will start you at YOUR starting place and help you get stronger over time. I’ve been going almost a year and most of what I do everyday is modified in some way. It’s just not a big deal as long as you are pushing yourself.
6. EVERYBODY is happy that you are there working out and doing YOUR personal best.
7. Just show up. Go as consistently as you can and you will get stronger.
8. Laugh at yourself. There are days that I feel really awkward. Just keep moving and laugh at yourself because you are there and you are doing it no matter how awkward or ugly it might look.
I had a lot of preconceived notions about CrossFit: you have to be strong to even walk in and start, you work out until you throw up, hyper-competitive atmosphere. The list goes on. A couple of my friends said they had found a gym locally that they really enjoyed and talked to me about it enough that it peaked my interest. They didn’t represent any of my preconceived notions and I have always wanted to be stronger. I live on a small farm and I wanted to move through my life easier, more fit and more capable. I went in.
I started crossfit 4 years ago and haven’t regretted a day of it. As Jill did food challenges for us I participated. I would have some success,but would go back to bad habits of eating processed foods and drinking soft drinks. In my mind I was thinking that if I did crossfit I could eat what I wanted. (Even then I was working out 5 days a week.) My performance showed that I didn’t tie my diet to my workout. I have now discovered they go hand in hand. In the fall of 2016 my dad had a health scare that woke me up! I started cleaning up my diet and saying NO to sweets that I usually couldn’t resist! Slowly I saw the results from my new choices. I’m at CFA about 5 days a week and I’m pushing myself to get stronger. During this journey I have lost 25lbs. Many people have noticed and complimented me. At first it was hard for me to take a compliment,but one day I realized I’ve worked SO hard to get here, so I am embracing it! Some have said, ” Oh you are so skinny!” Well, I’m not going for skinny. My goal is strength. I want to be stronger than I was yesterday! If there’s anything you can take away from this, it’s cleanup your diet, put your time in at the box and the results WILL happen! My coaches, Eric and Jill, have encouraged me EVERYDAY! They know that I’m not going to be an Emily Bridgers, but they coach me like I am! Here’s the thing, I am almost 43 years old and I can do skills I never imagined doing when I walked in the doors at CFA in 2013! Just get out there! Find your people, your village, and encourage each other and one day you may be able to do the impossible!
It’s funny to reflect back on how I used to worry about how much the scale said and felt like I had to be “skinny”. After doing CrossFit for 1 1/2 years, I’ve not only completely changed how my body looks but I’ve also changed a negative body image into a positive one. I never would have thought I would be happy with gaining weight, but it’s about more than just gaining weight it’s about gaining confidence and self love. Don’t worry about how society thinks you should look, screw that! Be who you want to be and do what makes you happy!

My children started working out with the CrossFit Allegiance Kids trainers two years ago. It’s amazing to see what CFA Kids has done for my oldest child (now 11). She is solid muscle and in incredible shape. She plays almost every sport imaginable but her true love is softball. Her coach comments all the time on how her strength and agility have contributed to her softball success. I credit most of that to CFA Kids. My son (now 8) has also changed tremendously since starting CFA Kids. He is in such better shape than he used to be when he started CFA Kids but it isn’t his physical changes that are the most remarkable; it’s his self-esteem changes. Eric has improved my son’s self-esteem 100% by working with him one-on-one and giving him much-desired praise on any and every achievement. Jill and Eric are fantastic with kids and they are trained to work specifically with kids. They also do a great job making exercise fun. My youngest looks forward to the kickball games. I am so thankful that we found the CFA Kids program. I would highly recommend it to any parent. I only wish I had found it sooner!
Hey Guys, I have been meaning to say thank you for awhile now. The changes you made with the kids class, creating CrossFit teens and challenging them more, has been great. My daughter leaves each time “worked out”, she hasn’t been bored at all, she’s been challenged at an appropriate rate for her age and ability, and she’s having fun! She even has some quad definition now! ? Anyway, appreciate you taking the time and making the efforts to make those changes- just sorry I haven’t told you sooner.
I started at CrossFit Allegiance just as I started training for my second marathon. I have been an active runner for a few years, but was looking for a better way to cross train and get stronger. I could easily run 10 miles, but couldn’t lift 35 pounds over my head if I tried and wasn’t sure I would or could fit into the CrossFit community. With my running schedule, I was only able to attend the classes a few times a week, so was even less certain I would realize any benefit. But after trying a few weeks, I was having so much fun working out with supportive people of all ability levels and learning new skills, I kept it up, still not quite sure if I was actually getting stronger. Four months later, I ran my second marathon and shaved 30 minutes off of my previous best time, even as I had trained with less running miles than my first. The team at CrossFit Allegiance has helped me become a stronger person and a better runner in the short time I have been there. I look forward to seeing what I can accomplish in the future; I know they will continue to push me to do things I thought were impossible!
I attended a Saturday family class at CrossFit Allegiance with my mom. One class and I was hooked! At first, I told my mom that I would commit to going 3 days per week. After that first week, there was nothing that could keep me from being there everyday. The people there are so nice and encouraging to me. I love having a great group of people to work out with. This year when I started football, I saw a big difference in my playing ability. I am hitting and blocking harder and I am faster and more agile. This is all due to CrossFit Allegiance and my coach, Jill. She encourages me to lift heavy but is very particular about making sure I lift properly. Jill even came to one of my football games! This shows how much of a committed instructor she is. I have participated in many extra-curricular activities, but none compares to CrossFit Allegiance. I always check to see what the next day’s workout is (it’s always different) before I go to bed at night and I never feel like I HAVE to go because I always WANT to go! It is a huge part of my life. I look forward to many years as a CrossFitter!

Six months ago, I’d never heard of CrossFit Allegiance. Today, I can’t imagine my life without it. I have worked out most of my adult life at a couple of different fitness centers and at a home gym. While I achieved success in both the group classes and free weight room, it was nothing comparable to the success I have experienced in CrossFit Allegiance. Prior to coming to CrossFit Allegiance, I’d worked out at home, by myself, using DVD’s. During that time, I could see that I wasn’t truly pushing myself. My performance was mediocre at best. Plus, I didn’t feel good about myself. I had no idea what I was getting into the first time I met Jill. In less than 5 minutes…I was hooked! Jill is not only knowledgeable and experienced, but she has a way of getting me to do things I never thought I could. She embodies everything a true coach should be…just the right balance of “no excuses” and “good job.” I have never worked out this hard in my life…and I have never loved working out this much in my life. The workouts are never the same and our “box” is filled with the most encouraging (and fun) people. It is truly a family atmosphere and no matter your fitness level, you feel an instant connection. Yes, I am one of those addicted CrossFitters and I can’t think of anything else I’d rather be addicted to!

I think it’s safe to say I’m addicted to Crossfit Allegiance. CrossFit Allegiance has gotten me into the best shape I’ve ever been in in my life, and I still have lots to learn and accomplish. Thank you Jill Quilla Frantz!


I am a 55-year old female and started working out at CrossFit Allegiance six months ago. When I first saw all those free-weights in the gym, I was afraid of injury, especially since I have a history of back and shoulder trouble. Jill has blown me away with her support and how she customized exercises for me to address my concerns. To avoid injury, Jill watches to make sure that no one increases weights too quickly and she focuses heavily on using the proper lifting techniques. I really like that each 1 hour class includes a warm up followed by a strength training and cardio workout, plus time to stretch. The motivation to get that cardio accomplished is just what I needed because it never happened on my own. I have been pleasantly surprised….CrossFit Allegiance has really worked for me. As an added bonus, the encouragement to eat healthy for life by eliminating artificial ingredients and choosing meat and vegetables over breads and desserts has helped me to lose 25 lbs. Now you can actually see the definition in those muscles I’ve been working so hard to tone.

CrossFit Allegiance and Jill are truly the best things that have come into my life recently! Everyone is truly an inspiration and we are such a close knit family. I am always so proud of myself & each day I get stronger and better at the WOD’s! Jill is such an amazing coach as she truly takes her time with everyone and is always by your side pushing & cheering you on. I continue to see results everyday so whether you want to compete or get in the best shape Crossfit Allegiance is the box to be apart of.

Being an athlete my entire life, I have found that CrossFit Allegiance has the best programming for the type of workout that fits what I need and the coaches are awesome to motivate you to work hard and train you on the proper technique. I can feel that I am much stronger and my endurance has increased dramatically since November 15, 2012 when I started. I love being able to compare my times and reps to others that have become like family at our box and I love seeing the improvements that I have made in what I am able to complete during the WODS. Looking back at several of the benchmark WODs, I noticed that I have increased reps, bettered my time, and/or increased weight on every single one of them.

A friend said to me, “You need to try CrossFit…You’ll love it!” CrossFit? Seriously?!? CrossFit to me seemed like something only those “hard core” fitness people did. The ones that are already incredibly fit, healthy and strong. There was NO WAY it was something I could do. I had joined gyms in the past, paid for a year and went only a few times. I tried to work out with DVD’s at home. FAIL. How was I supposed to do CrossFit?
I was 37 years old, 5’ 3” and weighed 270lbs (It hurts to even type that number). I didn’t exercise, consumed a horrible diet and drank 8-10 soft drinks a day. I got short of breath carrying groceries only a short distance. I would come home from work, prepare and eat dinner, then fall asleep in a chair by 8:00pm. Being a wife, full-time nurse manger, and mother of a very busy 10 year old son, it was not a lifestyle that I was proud of.
Emotionally I was a wreck. I spent many hours a day wondering when I was going to have a heart attack. I mourned over my lack of physical activity with my family. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to participate in activities with my husband and son…I couldn’t. My knees hurt so bad that I couldn’t walk up and down stairs without holding on to the rails. I was being held hostage by my body. I was slowly destroying myself from the inside out.
So in September 2013, I called Jill Frantz, owner of CrossFit Allegiance (CFA) in Denver NC. I was going to try it. I felt the need to warn her about how out of shape I was. I honestly expected her to say that I was not fit enough to do CrossFit. Instead she encouraged me to come in to a class and that everything is scalable to the fitness level of each individual. “Sure,” I thought to myself, “but how do you scale CrossFit to my fitness level…that of lounging on the sofa?”
At 5:30am on a Wednesday morning, I stepped into CFA for the first time. I was alone, extremely nervous, and unfit. Jill introduced herself to me and began to explain how things worked. She advised me to do what I can and not to over do it. She explained everything to me, stressed proper form and technique and watched me like a hawk. Everyone was extremely kind and supportive. I could not believe how comfortable I felt. Everyone there was there to work out and even though each of us was on a different level, we were all there for the same reason. It truly was and is a judgment free zone! Fast forward five months and here I am. I have learned so much not just about exercising but also about eating healthy and clean. I attend classes at CFA three times a week at 5:30am and have been following a Paleo diet. I cut out soft drinks completely. So far I have lost 53 lbs and dropped three dress sizes! My triglycerides went from 262 down to 91. My knees are doing much better. I am getting stronger and I feel amazing!
CFA has given me my life back. It has given me the freedom to be the mother I want to be. One of my first goals when I joined CFA was to run a 5K with my son. So far we have done two. Recently, I joined my son and his classmates from school on a ski trip. I remembered how only two years prior I went on a ski trip with my family but didn’t dare ski because I knew that if I fell, my knees were in such bad shape that I would not be able to get back up by myself. Well this time, not only did I ski, but I felt good while doing it!
CFA has changed my life in so many ways. I have more energy, I feel better, and I am setting a wonderful example for my family on what a healthy lifestyle looks like. I have met so many wonderful people who are genuine and supportive. I am so grateful for my experience at CrossFit Allegiance!
Here are some examples of how far I have come in the last 8 months:
We did Fight Gone Bad not long after I started and I completed it using 55# for push press and SDLHP and 10# wall ball and I think I used three 45# plates stacked together for the box jumps and I completed 202 reps during the three rounds. Recently, Fight Gone Bad, I was able to do 75# for push press and SDLHP and 20# wall ball and the 24″ box jump/step up (BTW…the weights and box height was RX for guys…and I am a girl…lol) and I completed 222 reps in the three rounds….and 222 reps was competitive with a lot of the guys that did the same weight.
In one month I was able to cut over a minute off of my time to complete 100 Thrusters (55#). 1st time – 9:49; 2nd time – 8:39 Dead Lift 1 Rep Max has increased from 135# to 255#. Front Squat 1 Rep Max has increased from 125# to 165# Every day is definitely a challenge at CrossFit Allegiance, but it is a challenge that I welcome the opportunity to overcome!!


I’m not there to be the strongest woman in the gym. I’m there to be stronger than I was yesterday and to be able to use that strength to make my everyday life easier. I am stronger. Things are easier. I have a bunch of personal goals that I hope to achieve by year 2 (like being able to do real push ups and maybe even 1 pull up) and I look forward to the journey getting there.
Here’s just a small piece of what I’ve uncovered over the course of the first few classes that have held true now that I am almost 1 year into my Cross Fit Allegiance journey.
1. You do NOT have to be strong to walk in. I literally had almost no strength when I walked in. I did air squats because I wasn’t strong enough to use weights. It didn’t matter and I wasn’t the only one.
2. Walking in the first day is the hardest part of CF. If you can get yourself through the door, you are going to find amazingly encouraging and knowledgeable owners who are kind and want you to be safe and grow personally. You will find other people who are going to welcome you immediately and will also help to encourage you. These same people will work as your inspiration for what you might want to be able to do in the future. If you need someone to walk through the door with, I’ll meet you outside.
3. EVERYTHING we do everyday can be modified and will be modified when you start. You don’t have to figure it out. They will patiently tell you what to do.
4. You will NOT be the only one doing things modified. Many people in every class everyday are modifying at least part of the workout.
5. NOBODY looks down on you for modifying your workout. They will start you at YOUR starting place and help you get stronger over time. I’ve been going almost a year and most of what I do everyday is modified in some way. It’s just not a big deal as long as you are pushing yourself.
6. EVERYBODY is happy that you are there working out and doing YOUR personal best.
7. Just show up. Go as consistently as you can and you will get stronger.
8. Laugh at yourself. There are days that I feel really awkward. Just keep moving and laugh at yourself because you are there and you are doing it no matter how awkward or ugly it might look.
I had a lot of preconceived notions about CrossFit: you have to be strong to even walk in and start, you work out until you throw up, hyper-competitive atmosphere. The list goes on. A couple of my friends said they had found a gym locally that they really enjoyed and talked to me about it enough that it peaked my interest. They didn’t represent any of my preconceived notions and I have always wanted to be stronger. I live on a small farm and I wanted to move through my life easier, more fit and more capable. I went in.
I started crossfit 4 years ago and haven’t regretted a day of it. As Jill did food challenges for us I participated. I would have some success,but would go back to bad habits of eating processed foods and drinking soft drinks. In my mind I was thinking that if I did crossfit I could eat what I wanted. (Even then I was working out 5 days a week.) My performance showed that I didn’t tie my diet to my workout. I have now discovered they go hand in hand. In the fall of 2016 my dad had a health scare that woke me up! I started cleaning up my diet and saying NO to sweets that I usually couldn’t resist! Slowly I saw the results from my new choices. I’m at CFA about 5 days a week and I’m pushing myself to get stronger. During this journey I have lost 25lbs. Many people have noticed and complimented me. At first it was hard for me to take a compliment,but one day I realized I’ve worked SO hard to get here, so I am embracing it! Some have said, ” Oh you are so skinny!” Well, I’m not going for skinny. My goal is strength. I want to be stronger than I was yesterday! If there’s anything you can take away from this, it’s cleanup your diet, put your time in at the box and the results WILL happen! My coaches, Eric and Jill, have encouraged me EVERYDAY! They know that I’m not going to be an Emily Bridgers, but they coach me like I am! Here’s the thing, I am almost 43 years old and I can do skills I never imagined doing when I walked in the doors at CFA in 2013! Just get out there! Find your people, your village, and encourage each other and one day you may be able to do the impossible!
It’s funny to reflect back on how I used to worry about how much the scale said and felt like I had to be “skinny”. After doing CrossFit for 1 1/2 years, I’ve not only completely changed how my body looks but I’ve also changed a negative body image into a positive one. I never would have thought I would be happy with gaining weight, but it’s about more than just gaining weight it’s about gaining confidence and self love. Don’t worry about how society thinks you should look, screw that! Be who you want to be and do what makes you happy!

My children started working out with the CrossFit Allegiance Kids trainers two years ago. It’s amazing to see what CFA Kids has done for my oldest child (now 11). She is solid muscle and in incredible shape. She plays almost every sport imaginable but her true love is softball. Her coach comments all the time on how her strength and agility have contributed to her softball success. I credit most of that to CFA Kids. My son (now 8) has also changed tremendously since starting CFA Kids. He is in such better shape than he used to be when he started CFA Kids but it isn’t his physical changes that are the most remarkable; it’s his self-esteem changes. Eric has improved my son’s self-esteem 100% by working with him one-on-one and giving him much-desired praise on any and every achievement. Jill and Eric are fantastic with kids and they are trained to work specifically with kids. They also do a great job making exercise fun. My youngest looks forward to the kickball games. I am so thankful that we found the CFA Kids program. I would highly recommend it to any parent. I only wish I had found it sooner!
Hey Guys, I have been meaning to say thank you for awhile now. The changes you made with the kids class, creating CrossFit teens and challenging them more, has been great. My daughter leaves each time “worked out”, she hasn’t been bored at all, she’s been challenged at an appropriate rate for her age and ability, and she’s having fun! She even has some quad definition now! ? Anyway, appreciate you taking the time and making the efforts to make those changes- just sorry I haven’t told you sooner.
I started at CrossFit Allegiance just as I started training for my second marathon. I have been an active runner for a few years, but was looking for a better way to cross train and get stronger. I could easily run 10 miles, but couldn’t lift 35 pounds over my head if I tried and wasn’t sure I would or could fit into the CrossFit community. With my running schedule, I was only able to attend the classes a few times a week, so was even less certain I would realize any benefit. But after trying a few weeks, I was having so much fun working out with supportive people of all ability levels and learning new skills, I kept it up, still not quite sure if I was actually getting stronger. Four months later, I ran my second marathon and shaved 30 minutes off of my previous best time, even as I had trained with less running miles than my first. The team at CrossFit Allegiance has helped me become a stronger person and a better runner in the short time I have been there. I look forward to seeing what I can accomplish in the future; I know they will continue to push me to do things I thought were impossible!
I attended a Saturday family class at CrossFit Allegiance with my mom. One class and I was hooked! At first, I told my mom that I would commit to going 3 days per week. After that first week, there was nothing that could keep me from being there everyday. The people there are so nice and encouraging to me. I love having a great group of people to work out with. This year when I started football, I saw a big difference in my playing ability. I am hitting and blocking harder and I am faster and more agile. This is all due to CrossFit Allegiance and my coach, Jill. She encourages me to lift heavy but is very particular about making sure I lift properly. Jill even came to one of my football games! This shows how much of a committed instructor she is. I have participated in many extra-curricular activities, but none compares to CrossFit Allegiance. I always check to see what the next day’s workout is (it’s always different) before I go to bed at night and I never feel like I HAVE to go because I always WANT to go! It is a huge part of my life. I look forward to many years as a CrossFitter!

Six months ago, I’d never heard of CrossFit Allegiance. Today, I can’t imagine my life without it. I have worked out most of my adult life at a couple of different fitness centers and at a home gym. While I achieved success in both the group classes and free weight room, it was nothing comparable to the success I have experienced in CrossFit Allegiance. Prior to coming to CrossFit Allegiance, I’d worked out at home, by myself, using DVD’s. During that time, I could see that I wasn’t truly pushing myself. My performance was mediocre at best. Plus, I didn’t feel good about myself. I had no idea what I was getting into the first time I met Jill. In less than 5 minutes…I was hooked! Jill is not only knowledgeable and experienced, but she has a way of getting me to do things I never thought I could. She embodies everything a true coach should be…just the right balance of “no excuses” and “good job.” I have never worked out this hard in my life…and I have never loved working out this much in my life. The workouts are never the same and our “box” is filled with the most encouraging (and fun) people. It is truly a family atmosphere and no matter your fitness level, you feel an instant connection. Yes, I am one of those addicted CrossFitters and I can’t think of anything else I’d rather be addicted to!

I think it’s safe to say I’m addicted to Crossfit Allegiance. CrossFit Allegiance has gotten me into the best shape I’ve ever been in in my life, and I still have lots to learn and accomplish. Thank you Jill Quilla Frantz!


I am a 55-year old female and started working out at CrossFit Allegiance six months ago. When I first saw all those free-weights in the gym, I was afraid of injury, especially since I have a history of back and shoulder trouble. Jill has blown me away with her support and how she customized exercises for me to address my concerns. To avoid injury, Jill watches to make sure that no one increases weights too quickly and she focuses heavily on using the proper lifting techniques. I really like that each 1 hour class includes a warm up followed by a strength training and cardio workout, plus time to stretch. The motivation to get that cardio accomplished is just what I needed because it never happened on my own. I have been pleasantly surprised….CrossFit Allegiance has really worked for me. As an added bonus, the encouragement to eat healthy for life by eliminating artificial ingredients and choosing meat and vegetables over breads and desserts has helped me to lose 25 lbs. Now you can actually see the definition in those muscles I’ve been working so hard to tone.

CrossFit Allegiance and Jill are truly the best things that have come into my life recently! Everyone is truly an inspiration and we are such a close knit family. I am always so proud of myself & each day I get stronger and better at the WOD’s! Jill is such an amazing coach as she truly takes her time with everyone and is always by your side pushing & cheering you on. I continue to see results everyday so whether you want to compete or get in the best shape Crossfit Allegiance is the box to be apart of.

Being an athlete my entire life, I have found that CrossFit Allegiance has the best programming for the type of workout that fits what I need and the coaches are awesome to motivate you to work hard and train you on the proper technique. I can feel that I am much stronger and my endurance has increased dramatically since November 15, 2012 when I started. I love being able to compare my times and reps to others that have become like family at our box and I love seeing the improvements that I have made in what I am able to complete during the WODS. Looking back at several of the benchmark WODs, I noticed that I have increased reps, bettered my time, and/or increased weight on every single one of them.

A friend said to me, “You need to try CrossFit…You’ll love it!” CrossFit? Seriously?!? CrossFit to me seemed like something only those “hard core” fitness people did. The ones that are already incredibly fit, healthy and strong. There was NO WAY it was something I could do. I had joined gyms in the past, paid for a year and went only a few times. I tried to work out with DVD’s at home. FAIL. How was I supposed to do CrossFit?
I was 37 years old, 5’ 3” and weighed 270lbs (It hurts to even type that number). I didn’t exercise, consumed a horrible diet and drank 8-10 soft drinks a day. I got short of breath carrying groceries only a short distance. I would come home from work, prepare and eat dinner, then fall asleep in a chair by 8:00pm. Being a wife, full-time nurse manger, and mother of a very busy 10 year old son, it was not a lifestyle that I was proud of.
Emotionally I was a wreck. I spent many hours a day wondering when I was going to have a heart attack. I mourned over my lack of physical activity with my family. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to participate in activities with my husband and son…I couldn’t. My knees hurt so bad that I couldn’t walk up and down stairs without holding on to the rails. I was being held hostage by my body. I was slowly destroying myself from the inside out.
So in September 2013, I called Jill Frantz, owner of CrossFit Allegiance (CFA) in Denver NC. I was going to try it. I felt the need to warn her about how out of shape I was. I honestly expected her to say that I was not fit enough to do CrossFit. Instead she encouraged me to come in to a class and that everything is scalable to the fitness level of each individual. “Sure,” I thought to myself, “but how do you scale CrossFit to my fitness level…that of lounging on the sofa?”
At 5:30am on a Wednesday morning, I stepped into CFA for the first time. I was alone, extremely nervous, and unfit. Jill introduced herself to me and began to explain how things worked. She advised me to do what I can and not to over do it. She explained everything to me, stressed proper form and technique and watched me like a hawk. Everyone was extremely kind and supportive. I could not believe how comfortable I felt. Everyone there was there to work out and even though each of us was on a different level, we were all there for the same reason. It truly was and is a judgment free zone! Fast forward five months and here I am. I have learned so much not just about exercising but also about eating healthy and clean. I attend classes at CFA three times a week at 5:30am and have been following a Paleo diet. I cut out soft drinks completely. So far I have lost 53 lbs and dropped three dress sizes! My triglycerides went from 262 down to 91. My knees are doing much better. I am getting stronger and I feel amazing!
CFA has given me my life back. It has given me the freedom to be the mother I want to be. One of my first goals when I joined CFA was to run a 5K with my son. So far we have done two. Recently, I joined my son and his classmates from school on a ski trip. I remembered how only two years prior I went on a ski trip with my family but didn’t dare ski because I knew that if I fell, my knees were in such bad shape that I would not be able to get back up by myself. Well this time, not only did I ski, but I felt good while doing it!
CFA has changed my life in so many ways. I have more energy, I feel better, and I am setting a wonderful example for my family on what a healthy lifestyle looks like. I have met so many wonderful people who are genuine and supportive. I am so grateful for my experience at CrossFit Allegiance!
Here are some examples of how far I have come in the last 8 months:
We did Fight Gone Bad not long after I started and I completed it using 55# for push press and SDLHP and 10# wall ball and I think I used three 45# plates stacked together for the box jumps and I completed 202 reps during the three rounds. Recently, Fight Gone Bad, I was able to do 75# for push press and SDLHP and 20# wall ball and the 24″ box jump/step up (BTW…the weights and box height was RX for guys…and I am a girl…lol) and I completed 222 reps in the three rounds….and 222 reps was competitive with a lot of the guys that did the same weight.
In one month I was able to cut over a minute off of my time to complete 100 Thrusters (55#). 1st time – 9:49; 2nd time – 8:39 Dead Lift 1 Rep Max has increased from 135# to 255#. Front Squat 1 Rep Max has increased from 125# to 165# Every day is definitely a challenge at CrossFit Allegiance, but it is a challenge that I welcome the opportunity to overcome!!