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CrossFit WOD, August 17, 2024

CrossFit – Sat, Aug 17

Hang Squat Clean (Pre-workout
3 hang squat cleans
– Work to a heavy 3-rep for the day.)
Partner WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 with a partner:
30 front-rack reverse lunges (95/65)
20 push presses
10 bar muscle-ups
– Share work as desired.

– RX-
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
30 front-rack reverse lunges (65/45)
20 push presses
10 C2B
– Share work as desired.

Scale –
AMRAP 20 with a partner:
30 unweighted reverse lunges
20 push presses (45/35)
10 Pull-ups or Ring Rows
– Share work as desired.

You can also substitute BMU with 10 Devils Press

CrossFit WOD, August 16, 2024

CrossFit – Fri, Aug 16

Deadlift (Take 10:00 to build to a heavy 5-rep deadlift TNG)
Metcon (Time)

Power Snatch
Front Squat
Lateral Over the Bar Burpees

Barbell: 95 / 65 lb

CrossFit WOD, August 15, 2024

CrossFit – Thu, Aug 15

Strength (9 Rounds for reps)

For load:
ADV RX Split Jerk

RX Push Jerk
3 set of 3 at 70-80%
3 sets of 2 at 80-90%
3 sets of 1 at 90%+

– Welcome to week six of our Strength cycle. Continue to stick with the same lift for the entire eight weeks.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

7 Rounds:
Minute 1: Bike Calories
Minute 2: Row Calories

Minute 3: 100m Run
Minute 4: Rest

Score: Total Calories

CrossFit WOD, August 14, 2024

CrossFit – Wed, Aug 14

Metcon (9 Rounds for reps)

For load:
ADV RX Squat Clean

RX Power Clean
3 set of 3 at 70-80%
3 sets of 2 at 80-90%
3 sets of 1 at 90%+

– Welcome to week six of our Strength cycle. Continue to stick with the same lift for the entire eight weeks.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 Box Jumps or Step-ups (24″/20″)
10 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
5 Strict Pull-ups

Double Dumbbells: 50 / 35 lb’s

CrossFit WOD, August 13, 2024

CrossFit – Tue, Aug 13

General Warm-up

3 sets:
200-meter jog
20 mountain climbers
20 alternating plank shoulder taps
20 jumping jacks
5 push-ups

Bench Press (- RX –
For load:
Bench press

Same as Rx’d

With a light load:
Bench press)

Skill Work (AMRAP – Reps)

8 sets:
:20 double-unders
:10 rest


1 set:
1:00 doorway pec stretch/side
1:00 couch stretch/side

– AT-HOME – (5 Rounds for reps)

5 sets for reps:
10 double-dumbbell shoulder presses
Max-reps unbroken push-ups
– Rest 3:00 between sets.
– Use a heavy dumbbell load.

CrossFit WOD, August 12, 2024

CrossFit – Mon, Aug 12

General Warm-up

2 sets:
:30 unweighted good mornings
5-10 single-leg toe touches/leg
5 elbow-to-instep/leg
5-10 step back lunges/leg

3 sets:
:30 row (easy pace)
:20 row (moderate pace)
:10 row (fast pace)

Deadlift (Pre-workout
Take 10:00 to build to a heavy 5-rep deadlift)
240812 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

– RX –
15-calorie row
10 deadlifts (125/185 lb)

15-calorie row
10 deadlifts (95/135 lb)

10-calorie row
10 deadlifts (55/75 lb)


2 sets:
:30 Samson stretch/side
:30 elevated pigeon stretch/side


200-meter run
15 double-dumbbell deadlifts (35/50 lb)

Work Your Weakness
– STRENGTH I – (9 Rounds for reps)

For load:
Snatch, clean or jerk:
3 reps x 3 sets at 70-80%
2 reps x 3 sets at 80-90%
1 rep x 3 sets at 90%+

– Welcome to week six of our Strength I cycle. Continue to stick with the same lift for the entire eight weeks. You can change the lift in the next eight-week cycle.
– Use the same 1-rep-max to find your percentages.
– Take the jerks from a rack, and rest as needed between sets.

Back Squat (- STRENGTH II –
For load:
Back squat
– Max reps on the last set.)

– Welcome to week two of our Strength II cycle where we will back squat for the next four weeks.
– Your goal is to find a heavy set of 3 back squats. This may not be a 3-rep-max but find your heavy 3-rep lift for the day.
– Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 3 reps in that final set without pushing to failure.

– STRENGTH III – (5 Rounds for reps)

5 sets:
5 bench presses
5 weighted dips

– Rest as needed between sets. Build to your heaviest set of 5 in each movement.
– Use a spotter for this session if possible. If you are alone, be sure to not push to failure and be smart about the load you are lifting.

Record weight for the dips in the notes

– SKILL I – (Checkmark)

For completion:
12 alternating seated dumbbell strict presses
12 strict handstand push-ups
10 alternating seated dumbbell strict presses
10 strict handstand push-ups
8 alternating seated dumbbell strict presses
8 strict handstand push-ups
6 alternating seated dumbbell strict presses
6 strict handstand push-ups
4 alternating seated dumbbell strict presses
4 strict handstand push-ups
– Rest as needed between sets.

– Use a weight for the seated dumbbell press that allows you to go unbroken on each set. Because you are alternating presses, each arm will end up doing half the reps.
– Expect the handstand push-ups to be intentionally challenging. Remember to stay tight and keep your body rigid. Rest as needed to complete the reps.
– Scale handstand push-ups to negatives (cut reps in half), pike push-ups, or push-ups.

– STAMINA I – (Time)

3 sets for time:
800-meter run
– Rest 2:00 between sets.

– 13:00-19:00 (including rest).
– 800 meters in under 5 minutes.
– Perform each run at a semi-sustainable pace (around 80-90% effort), rather than an all-out effort to recover enough to hit each set in a similar time.
– Push faster if you can. This will be a great place to turn on the afterburners.
– Try to perform this workout with friends or a training partner for more push and drive to move faster. If you don’t have someone to complete the workout with, wear a watch and have goals for each interval before starting.
– Run modifications: 2,000-m C2 bike or 1,000-m row

CrossFit WOD, August 10, 2024

CrossFit – Sat, Aug 10

Metcon (Time)

Team of 3

Cash-in: 90/75 Calorie Bike

30 Snatches

15 Rope Climbs

24 Snatches

12 Rope Climbs

18 Snatches

9 Rope Climbs

12 Snatches

6 Rope Climbs

6 Snatches

3 Rope Climbs

Barbell ADV RX 115/85

RX Power Cleans

CrossFit WOD, August 9, 2024

CrossFit – Fri, Aug 9

Deadlift (- RX –
For load:

Same as RX’d

For load:

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

30 DB Burpee Squat Cleans (devil cleans)

Every 2 Minutes (starting at 0:00)

200m Run

Double DB 50/35

Time Cap 18 Minutes

Chest hits the ground in between the DB NOT on the DB.

This is a new movement for us so lets have some Fun : )!

Average 5 Reps per interval gets you done just in time for the time cap. 6-7 reps per interval is the goal but if you feel good try to squeeze in 7-8 once you find your pace.

CrossFit WOD, August 8, 2024

CrossFit – Thu, Aug 8

Strength (9 Rounds for reps)

For load:
ADV RX Split Jerk

RX Push Jerk
4 sets of 3 at 70-80%
3 sets of 2 at 80-90%
2 sets of 1 at 90%+

– Welcome to week five of our Strength cycle. Continue to stick with the same lift for the entire eight weeks.
– Use a recent 1-rep-max to find your percentages.
-Off The Rack
– Rest as 2-3 minutes between sets.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 T2B

200/180m Row

Directly into….

15-15-15-15-15-15-15-15-15-15 Sit-ups

200/180m Row

Scale T2B with knee ups or almost T2B


1st core movement leg lifts then 2nd core movement sit-ups