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CrossFit WOD, September 21, 2022


Squat Clean and Jerk (Weight)
Squat Clean & Jerk

5 Sets:
3 Squat Cleans
1 Push Jerk

Performed @ 70-75%

CrossFit WOD, September 21, 2022


Squat Clean and Jerk (Weight)
Squat Clean & Jerk

5 Sets:
3 Squat Cleans
1 Push Jerk

Performed @ 70-75%

CrossFit WOD, September 20, 2022


Snatch OR Front Squat
Squat Snatch (Weight)
Squat Snatch

5 Sets of 3 @ 70-75%

– Stay within the percentage range given. 

– Snatches should be performed as singles and not touch and go reps.

Enter heaviest set.

Front Squat (5×3)

Kelly (Time)
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps, 24” / 20”
30 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#

– Run: Should take less than 2:15.

– Box Jumps: Stand all the way up on the box. Done in less than 1:15.

– Wallballs: Done in less than 1:30. 

– Run at a pace that allows you to excel on the indoor movements.

– Find a steady, consistent pace on the box jumps.

– Break the wallballs in a way that will allow you to rest for as little time between sets as possible. 5’s, 6’s, 8-8-7-7, 12-10-8, or 18-12 are some options for sets. 

– Major goal in this workout is to stay in motion. 

CrossFit WOD, September 19, 2022


Shoulder Press (3-4 sets 4-6 reps)
Strict Press
3-4 Sets:
4-6 Reps @ 65-70%
*4-5 Second Isometric
*Rest As Needed Between Sets

– Our next 4 week cycle of our strength pieces is isometric holds. 
– For EACH strict press, hold for 4-5 seconds at 1 inch off shoulder on the way up. Squeeze muscles as hard as you can during pause, then fire up as fast as possible.  

– Watch a clock or have someone count out loud for you as we want to complete the full 4-5 seconds to get the most out of these reps.
– Score: Enter heaviest set. Record sets/reps in your notes. 

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
500/400M Row
Max Unbroken Push Jerks 155 / 105 lb
400m Run
Max Unbroken Bar Muscle-ups

RX C2B 135/95
Ring rows

Each run/row should be completed in 2:00 – 2:15 or less.  

– Push Jerks: Loading should not exceed 65% of your 1RM push jerk or you should be able to complete 7 or more reps each round.
– Bar Muscle-Up/C2B/pull-ups s: You should be able to complete 3 or more reps each round.

– You can take up to 30s between finishing the row/run and beginning your set of push jerks or bar muscle-ups. The only exception of this is at the very end of the workout. You may rest up to 1:00 before your last set if you know you won’t have time for another full run or row.

– Score: Total reps. Enter push jerk + BMU

CrossFit WOD, September 17, 2022


Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD:
4 Rounds For Time:
50 T2B
500/400m Row
50 Step-ups W/single DB 50/35

RX 30 T2B and 30 Step-ups

CrossFit WOD, September 16, 2022


Clean and Jerk (5 sets of 1 )
5 sets of 1 Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks @ 65-70% of 1 RM C&J

Enter your heaviest sets and weight.

Metcon (Time)
10 Rounds For Time:
3 Clean and Jerks 155/105
200m Run
1 Round of "Cindy"

1 Round of "Cindy"
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

RX 135/95

CrossFit WOD, September 15, 2022


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5/4 Calorie Bike Erg 
100 Meter Run  
10/8 Calorie Bike Erg 
100 Meter Run  
15/12 Calorie Bike Erg 
100 Meter Run  

Add 5/4 Calories Per Round

1. Child’s Pose – 2:00
2. Shoulder to Floor – 1:00/Side
3. Wrist Stretches – 1:00

4. Down Dog – 2:00

1. Pigeon Pose – 2:00/Side
2. Standing Forward Fold – 2:00
3. Spiderman Hold- 2:00/Side
4. Frog Stretch – 2:00

CrossFit WOD, September 14, 2022


Choose Snatch + push press Or Push press + clean
Snatch (3 sets)
Snatch Push Press + Overhead

3 Sets of :
5 Snatch Push Presses + 1 Overhead Squat

All Sets Performed @ 60-65% of 1RM Snatch

Push Press (Weight)
3 sets of:
5 push press + 2 Front Squat

All sets performed at 60-65% of push press

Metcon (Time)
For Time [30 Minute Cap]:
20 DU, 2 Hang Snatches
40 DU, 4 Hang Snatches
60 DU, 6 Hang Snatches
80 DU, 8 Hang Snatches
100 DU, 10 Hang Snatches

Directly Into…

30 Sit-ups, 800m Run
30 Sit-ups, 600m Run
30 Sit-ups, 400m Run
30 Sit-ups, 200m Run

ADV RX 115 / 85 lb
RX 95 / 65
Modify Snatches with Cleans
Modify DU with Ski Erg 80m, 100m, 150m, 200m OR BIKE 12/9 cal every round
Modify run with Row

CrossFit WOD, September 13, 2022

This Friday the 16th get your tickets for the 2022 Carolina Beer Mixer at the LKN Brewery.

Deadlift (3-4 sets 3-4 Reps)

3-4 Sets:
3-4 Reps @ 75-80%

*5-6 Second Eccentric

Enter your heaviest sets and reps

Ball Don’t Lie (Time)
Every 2 minutes Until 150 Wallball Reps:
18/14 Cal row
Max Wallballs (20/14)

Every 2 minutes Until 100
16/12 Cal row
Max Wallballs (20/14)

The workout will begin on the Row, and on the 2, 4, 6, 8, 10…. we will perform that same row.
In the remaining time of the 2 minutes accumulate max rep wallballs.

Goal is to have about 1 minute of rowing and 1 minute of wallballs. On average when fresh 30 wallballs can be done in 1 minute. So use this as a baseline to understanding how to approach each time you pick up the ball.

Your row pace should be something that allows you to immediately pick up the wallball. Goal is 10 – 15 minute with a 20 minute time cap.

CrossFit WOD, September 12, 2022


Shoulder Press (3-4 sets 3-4 Reps)
Strict Press

3-4 Sets:
3-4 Reps @ 75-80%

*5-6 Second Eccentric
*Rest As Needed Between Sets
Enter your heaviest weight sets and reps

Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD
5 Rounds
50/34 cal Row
20 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")
400m Run