CrossFit WOD, October 19, 2021
– Break as many times as needed during the 30s window.
– Score: Reps
RX max kipping C2B
21 Overhead Squats
800 Meter Run
18 Overhead Squats
600 Meter Run
15 Overhead Squats
400 Meter Run
12 Overhead Squats
200 Meter Run
9 Overhead Squats
Barbell: 95 / 65 lb
RX DB goblet squat 50/35
CrossFit WOD, October 18, 2021
– You can hang from the bar as long as you’d like between reps. As soon as your feet touch the ground, your set is complete.
– Be sure that every rep hits full range of motion: Arms lockout in the bottom with head between the arms and chin gets fully over the bar at the top.
– Score: Total Reps
– Hands will need to start behind the beginning of a section and finish when both hands have fully crossed any line that follows.
– Each 6ft. section will equal 1 rep.
– Score: Total reps completed within the 1:00 window.
RX will be max wall walks
Scaling options
Max strict press DB 50/35
500 Meter Row
12 Burpees
12 Pull-ups
21 Box Jumps or step-ups (24"/20")
CrossFit WOD, October 16, 2021
10 Bar MU
50 Wallballs (20 / 14 lb)
1,000m row
CrossFit WOD, October 15, 2021
400m Row
10 Deficit kipping Handstand Push-Ups (25’s/45’s)
RX no deficit
DB push press 50/35
CrossFit WOD, October 14, 2021
Calorie Bike
Barbell bicep curls
Leg lifts
Star Fish (total not each side)
Calories Row
CrossFit WOD, October 13, 2021
200 Meter Run + 3 Deadlifts
[On the 2]:
400 Meter Run + 6 Deadlifts
[On the 6]:
600 Meter Run + 9 Deadlifts
[On the 12]:
200 Meter Run + 3 Deadlifts
[On the 14]:
400 Meter Run + 6 Deadlifts
[On the 18]:
600 Meter Run + 9 Deadlifts
[On the 24]:
200 Meter Run + 3 Deadlifts
[On the 26]:
400 Meter Run + 6 Deadlifts
[On the 30]:
600 Meter Run + 9 Deadlifts
Barbell: 225 / 155 lb
– Sprint
– 200M RUN: About 1:00.
– DEADLIFTS: Unbroken sets. 3 reps should take about 20s.
– 9 SCORES: Enter time for each interval. Overall score will be the sum total of all the intervals.
– Push the runs.
– Quickly transition from the run to the bar.
– Smooth cycle on the deadlifts.
– Big breaths during rest periods to calm the heart rate.
CrossFit WOD, October 12, 2021
Build to about 80% of 1 RM clean & jerk
10 Front Squats (175/125)
20 T2B
50 DU
CrossFit WOD, October 11, 2021
Team of Three:
3 Rounds
60 Wallballs
100m Run
60 Sit-ups
300m Row
Split reps however needed. Run together as a team
CrossFit WOD, October 9, 2021
10 Rounds For Time:
6 Thrusters (155/105)
10 Rounds For Time:
6 Thrusters (135/95)
6 C2B
*Split reps
CrossFit WOD, October 8, 2021
KBS (32/24kg)
Directly into….
3 Rounds
400m Run
21 Burpees
RX KB (24/16kg)
3 Front Squats
All Sets Based on 1RM Front Squat
Set 1: 50-60%
Set 2: 70%
Set 3-5: 80-85%