

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

Below is a quick email Justin sent to me. I just wanted to share it with everyone and let you all know that we raised $500 for him and his family.

Hey Jill,

I got the funds from the t-shirt sales this morning and really don’t know what to say. It’s unbelievable that so many people can give this kind of support to someone they barely know. My wife was amazed as well, and I felt pride telling her that our crossfit family is very supportive and exactly that, a Family. I’m not sure how to tell everyone thank you enough but I’m hoping you can send out a message for me that explains my appreciation. Thank you so much to you and Eric for helping us with the t-shirts and more than that the prayers that carry so much more weight.

Take care.


Max HSPU (AMRAP – Reps)

Max Strict Handstand Pushups

Rest 3:00


3 Sets of 30%

rest as needed between

RX kipping

*In WODify just log your max #


In place of HSPU

Push Press (6×3, across)


Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds:

10 Snatches (75/55)

30 Double Unders

200m run

RX 15 DU

scaled 60 singles or 15 DU attempts

Optional Extra Strength Work

Power Snatch (EMOM x 10min 2 Reps)

Picture of PPLAdmin
