

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

Holiday Schedule:
This Friday December 22nd 12 Days of Christmas WOD
Saturday December 23rd 9:30am
Sunday December 24th Closed
Monday December 25th Closed
Tuesday December 26th 5:30am? possibly, 9:30am for sure
Wednesday December 27th Full day
Thursday December 28th Full day
Friday December 29th Full day
Saturday December 30th 9:30am
Sunday December 31st Closed
Monday January 1st Closed


Clean and Jerk (EMOMx5min: 5 TNG Power Clean & Jerk across)

You choose the weight. Warm up to your set weight and stay at that weight for 5×5.


Wiped Clean (5 Rounds for time)

5 Rounds On the 4:00

30 Air Squats

20/15 Calorie Row

7 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

ADV RX as written

RX 115/80

Scaled 95/65

You have 4 minutes to complete the round for time and rest for the remainder of the 4 minutes. You will have 5 rounds for time to enter into WODify. Your goal is to maintain a consistent time each round.

R1 min 0-4, R2 min 4-8, R3 min 8-12, R4 min 12-16, R5 min 16-20 min

Rounds should take you on average between 1:40 – 3 min per round.

Optional Extra Strength Work

Back Rack Reverse Lunges (Barbell Reverse Lunge 2 x 20 You choose the weight)

suggestion: 115/85

Picture of PPLAdmin
