CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Everyone please make sure you sign into class for tomorrow by 10:00pm. If you are signed into class I will text you and let you know if class is cancelled. If you are not signed in then you risk potentially showing up to no class. Please check your email, Facebook or feel free to text me, 704-778-1408.
Metcon (Time)
30-20-10 Front Squat, 155/105
15-10-15 Muscle up
Scaled MU:
Bar MU, C2B, Pull-ups OR Ring Rows
25 min time cap, no rack
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Rounds
Min 1: Burpees
Min 2: Calorie Row
Min 3: Wallballs 20/14
Min 4: Double unders