

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

We have 3 classes: 8am 9am 10am.
Please sign into class. 9am is full. There is not enough equipment and it is not safe to have more than 20 go at a time with this particular WOD. There are 10 spots left at 8 am and 8 spots left at 10am. 9am is full. This workout will take around 30 minuets.

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12 Days of Christmas 2018 (Time)

1 Rope Climb

2 Box Jumps

3 Push Press (135/95)

4 Hang Cleans (135/95)

5 T2B

6 Deads (135/95)

7 Abmat sit-ups

8 HR Push-ups

9 KBS, (32/24kg)

10 Lunges (10 each side)

11 Wall Balls (20/14)

12 Over the bar Burpees

Round 1: 1 Rope Climb

Round 2: 2 Box Jumps + 1 Rope Climb

Round 3: 3 PP + 2 BJ + 1 Rope Climb

Round 4: 4 HC + 3 PP + 2 BJ + 1 RC
3 Pull-ups or 3 RR in place of rope climb.

Picture of PPLAdmin
