

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

Happy Birthday Kyle!
Everyone’s invited to Shannon’s this Saturday for a
“Pre-Murph Protein ? & Carb ? Load” party Sat 5/26, 2pm – until. Family friendly.
5714 Tipperary Drive, Denver. BYOB and swim suits if interested.

View Public Whiteboard


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3 Rounds:

Team A max Cal Bike

Team B 400 Meter Prowler Push

-then switch-

Split class in half

Bike ends when Prowler Push is over. Score is Cal on the Bike.

If Teams of 2-4 athletes, 1 Bike +1 Prowler

If Teams of 5-7, 2 Bikes + 2 Prowlers

If Teams 8-10, 3 Bikes + 3 Prowlers
Prowler push on the side of the building about 10 m past the gate to the 50m mark. Down and back is 100m for a total of 4 times to equal 400m. Please do not park on the side of the building. If spots in the back are taken please park in the front of the building or at the neighbors.

Picture of PPLAdmin
