

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

CFA will be closed tonight at 5 PM. There will be no open gym because ….The 2nd annual Carolina Beer Mixer is being held at Free Range Brewing: 2320 North Davidson Street, Charlotte, It starts at 6:30pm. CFA Red team when you get there just say you are with CFA and they will let you in. If you still need a ticket you can buy them at the door with cash, check or credit card. Tickets include dinner and 2 beers.

There will also be lots of cool stuff to bid on. Hope to see everyone there. It was a lot of fun last year.

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Clean and Jerk (5 x 1 Climbing)

1 Clean and Jerk Every 2 Minutes x 10 for a total 5 sets of 1


Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds

400m run (2 laps)

3 Rounds of “Macho Man” (115/80)

1 Round of “Macho Man”

3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks

Stimulus wise, we are looking for a loading that we feel very confident we can complete 2 full rounds of the complex unbroken “TNG” (18 reps). If you don’t think you can accomplish that, please modify the weight a bit lighter to allow us to make this more of a conditioning workout.

Picture of PPLAdmin
