CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
HSPU/DU (12 Rounds for reps)
Alternating On the Minute x 12 (6 Rounds):
Odd Minutes – 50 DU
Even Minutes – Max Strict Handstand Push-ups
ADV RX as written
RX Kipping HSPU
Fitness DB Press 50/35
Will be repeating same benchmark next week. Modify Double Unders to number you can achieve in 50 Seconds or less.
Metcon (Time)
1500 Meter Row
35 Burpees over Rower (Lateral)
50/35 Calorie Bike
35 Burpees over Rower (Lateral)
1500 Meter Row
Extra work if you want an after WOD
Metcon (No Measure)
1 Round, Not for Time:
35 GHD Sit-Ups
1 Minute L-Sit (Accumulated)
35 GHD Sit-Ups