CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Memorial Day is quickly approching. For those of you that have not experienced Murph below is a quick bit of info so you know what to expect.
Every Memorial Day we do a hero WOD called Murph. It’s Kind of a Big Memorial Day Deal and means a lot if you would please join us. It started in 2014 in honor of Navy Lt. Michael Murphy, a SEAL who died in Afghanistan in 2005 in a battle with the Taliban.
Its a day to honor all the men and women who have fallen in the line of duty. The workout can be done with or without a weight vest or you can partner with someone.
Following the workout we will stay to grill and hangout. Please bring your family to join us. We will provide hot dogs, burgers and chicken. Please bring a side to share and something to drink, tents, chairs and coolers.
20 people per class
1st class 8:00am
2nd class 8:30am
3rd class 9:00am
Sign-ups are open
May 27th 8:00am, 8:30am, 9:00am WOD then BBQ to follow.
Back Squat
3 second pause at the bottom.
Set #1 – 58%
Set #2 – 60%
Set #3 – 62%
Set #4 – 64%
Set #5 – 66%
Set #6 – 68%
Set #7 – 70%
Undercover (Time)
3 Rounds:
15 Power Cleans (115/85)
20 Pushups
Into 2 Rounds:
27/21 Cal Row
75 DU
Into 1 Round:
50/35 Cal Bike