CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
We are going on vacation next week. We have all the classes cover except 2. Also take note that we have 6:30am class Monday-Thursday and not on Friday. There will be no daycare or CrossFit Kids Class. Sorry for the inconvenience and Thank you!
August 11th Saturday
9:30 Alyson
August 12th Sunday
1-3 Frankie
August 13th Monday
5:30am Dane
6:30am Eli
8:30am Greg
9:30am Greg
12pm Melissa
4pm Melissa
5:30pm Leslie
6:30pm Leslie
August 14th Tuesday
5:30am Dane
6:30am Eli
8:30am Melissa
9:30am Melissa
12pm Leslie
4pm Leslie
5:30pm Leslie
6:30pm Leslie
August 15th Wednesday
5:30am Dane
6:30am Eli
8:30am Eli
9:30am Eli
12pm Leslie
5:30pm Alyson
6:30pm Alyson
August 16th Thursday
5:30am Dane
6:30am Eli
8:30am Ei
9:30am Eli
12pm Eli
4pm Leslie
5:30pm Leslie
6:30pm Leslie
August 17th Friday
5:30am Dane
8:30am Frankie
9:30am Frankie
12pm Frankie
4pm Frankie
5 -7 Alyson
August 18th Saturday
9:30am Leslie
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Team of 4 -5
AMRAP x 25
15 Deadlifts (245/165#)
18/12 Cal Bike
20 Hang Dumbbell Reverse Lunges (50/35#)
20/15 Cal Row
DL (155/105)
DB 35/25#
DL (115/80)
Lunges (No weight)
*Relay style follow the person in front of you. One person at a station at a time.
Every teammates round counts towards your score plus reps