CrossFit WOD, March 28, 2025
8 Rounds For Time:
8 Alternating DB Snatches, 70 / 50 lb
8 Box Jumps or step-up (30″/24″)
8 Push-ups
RX DB 50/35 Box 24/20”
Goal is sub 18 Minutes
Gun Show
10 Sets:
10 Barbell Bicep Curls
• Rest 30 Seconds Between Sets
Score: Load
CrossFit WOD, March 27, 2025
3 Rounds For Time:
200m DB Farmer’s Carry, 50 / 35
1,500/1,350m Bike Erg OR 600m Run OR 600/540 Ski Erg OR 750/675m Row OR 36/30 Echo Bike
100 DU
50 AbMat Sit-ups
Goal is sub 35 Minutes
CrossFit WOD, March 26, 2025
3 Sets [Building In Weight]:
2 Deadlifts at 85-95%+
• Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets
Score: Heaviest Load
– Again, This is the fourth and final week of our 4-week Heavy Doubles strength cycle. This cycle is designed to help build maximum strength by focusing on lifting near-maximal weights for two repetitions.
– If you are feeling good, the bar is moving well, your technique is dialed in, and you want to, feel free to go heavier than 95%, even up to a new 2-rep max if you have it in you today!
– If you are struggling to maintain form/technique decrease the weight in order to move well.
– Shoulders must end behind the barbell at the top of every rep. These reps should be completed touch-and-go with no stopping at the floor to rest, rebrace, or regrip.
On the Minute x 10:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
Max Lateral Burpees Over Barbell
Barbell: 135 / 95
Score: Total Burpees
– Overview: Test your aerobic power, particularly your ability to utilize oxygen at high-intensity levels (VO2 max). Work at a challenging yet smart pace throughout that allows you to maintain or increase your efforts toward the end.
– Choose a barbell weight that allows you to complete the front squats and push jerks unbroken throughout. We’re looking for the barbell reps to take about 30-40 seconds, leaving you about 20-30 seconds for the burpees.
– Lateral Burpees Over Barbell: A two-foot take-off is not required, but you are required to jump over the bar (rather than step over). Both feet should be in the air at the same time.
– Intended Intensity: RPE 7-8
– Target Loading: Light-Moderate
– Target Score: 40-80 Burpees
CrossFit WOD, March 25, 2025
Strict Weighted Pull-ups
3 Sets [Building In Weight]:
2 Strict Weighted Pull-ups
• Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets
Score: Heaviest Load
2 Rounds For Time:
30 T2B
400m Run
30 Pull-ups
400m Run
Time Cap: 18 Minutes
4 sets:
10 weighted sit ups
30 unweighted sit ups
CrossFit WOD, March 24, 2025
Add weight each set for 3 x 2
– Overview: This is the fourth and final week of our 4-week Heavy Doubles strength cycle. This cycle is designed to help build maximum strength by focusing on lifting near-maximal weights for two repetitions.
– If you are feeling good, the bar is moving well, your technique is dialed in, and you want to, feel free to go heavier than 95%, even up to a new 2-rep max if you have it in you today!
– Hips and knees should reach full extension at the top of each rep and hips should pass below the knees in the bottom of the squat.
– If you are struggling to maintain form/technique, decrease the weight in order to move well.
Bike Intervals
3 Sets:
6:00 Moderate Pace [RPE 6]
0:30 Sprint Pace [RPE 9]
3:30 Easy Pace [RPE 3]
CrossFit WOD, March 22, 2025
2 Time Through For Time:
1,000-800-600-400-200m Row
100-80-60-40-20 DU
10-8-6-4-2 Power Snatch (115/85)
RX Power Clean 135/95
Split reps and one person working at a time
CrossFit WOD, March 21, 2025
Back Squat 4 x 2 climbing
goal is 85-90%
rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Score your heaviest set
On the Minute For Max Rounds:
7 Rounds
7 Thrusters 75/55
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpees to a target
Score is rounds and reps
Once you cannot complete a full round in a minute you are done
if 7 is to many reps of each movement do a practice round and determine what you can accomplish in 50 seconds and use that number.
4 x 2 Bench Press
add weight each set
7 Rounds
7 Thrusters 75/55
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpees
CrossFit WOD, March 20, 2025
4 Rounds x AMRAP 8:
1,000m Run
Max Calorie Row
Rest 2 minutes between Rounds
Score is total row calories
4 Rounds x AMRAP 8:
1,200/1,000m Row
Max Calorie Echo Bike
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Scor is total Bike calories
3 Sets
15 Rower pike-ups
15 Weighted sit-ups
CrossFit WOD, March 19, 2025
deadlift 4 x 2 climbing
goal is 85-90%
rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Score your heaviest set
5 Rounds For Time:
15 Box Jumps
12 DB Deadlifts
9 DB Hang Power Cleans
Two DB’s ( 50/35)
Goal is sub 18
Pick a machine
3 Rounds of
C2 Bike 3,000m OR Row 1,500m OR Ski Erg 1,200m OR Run 1,200m OR Echo Bike 75 Calories
after each round
10 Barbell bicep curls
10 Barbell strict Press
10 Barbell GM
CrossFit WOD, March 18, 2025
1 Rope Climb
10 Hand-Release Push-ups
15 Sit-ups
Score: Rounds + Reps
rope climb scaling
5 pull-ups
5 T2B
5 ring rows
Build to a Heavy Single
Score: Heaviest Load
– Today’s strength work is intended to help develop our explosive power. Every rep should be moved as quickly and powerfully as you can.
– Take the barbell from the ground.