CrossFit WOD, September 25, 2024
2 sets:
10 Samson stretch lunges
10 PVC overhead squat (weight in heels)
10 strict sit-ups (minimal arm movement)
10 good mornings (neutral spine)
10 strict pull-ups (full range of motion)
10 strict ring dips (full range of motion)
– RX –
For time:
3,000-m row
For time:
2,000-m row
Max-meters on the rower.
2 sets:
1:00 plank hold
50 Russian twists
2 sets:
:30 Samson stretch/side
:30 elevated pigeon stretch/side
Same as Rx’d
Same as Rx’d
CrossFit WOD, September 24, 2024
– RX –
3 rounds for time with a partner:
30 squat cleans (65/95 lb)
30 pull-ups
800-m run
– Athletes run together and break up the cleans and pull-ups as needed.
3 rounds for time with a partner:
30 squat cleans (45/65 lb)
30 pull-ups
800-m run
– Athletes run together and break up the cleans and pull-ups as needed.
3 rounds for time with a partner:
30 squat cleans (35/45 lb)
30 jumping pull-ups
600-m run
– Athletes run together and break up the cleans and pull-ups as needed.
CrossFit WOD, September 23, 2024
7 Sets For total load:
4 sets of 5 Reps @ 50-60%
3 sets of 4 Reps @ 60-70%
4 sets of 5 Reps @ 50-60%
3 sets of 4 Reps @ 60-70%
For Time:
10 Rounds For Time
6 Power Cleans 95/65
12 Push-ups
18 Air Squats
CrossFit WOD, September 21, 2024
Partner WOD
Cash In: 800m Run
4 Rounds:
10 Deadlifts
10 Hang Cleans
10 Front Squats
10 Rope Climbs
Cash Out: 800m Run
Barbell: ADV RX 165/115
Barbell: RX 155/105
Split Reps and run together
CrossFit WOD, September 20, 2024
Box Jumps or Step-ups
400m Run after each round
RX Pull-ups and DB S2OH 35/20
CrossFit WOD, September 19, 2024
1 set:
:30 single-unders
3 inchworms
10 seated leg raises (easy)
10 strict hanging knee raises
1 set:
:30 speed singles
3 inchworms
10 seated leg raises (moderate)
5 strict hanging tuck-ups
1 set:
:30 power singles
3 inchworms
10 seated leg raises (hard)
3-5 strict toes-to-bars
3 sets for completion:
5-10 strict toes-to-bars
– RX –
10 rounds for time:
12 KB swings (35/53 lb)
30 double-unders
– 15:00 time cap.
10 rounds for time:
12 KB swings (26/35 lb)
15 double-unders
– 15:00 time cap.
7 rounds for time:
8 KB swings (18/26 lb)
15 single-unders
– 15:00 time cap.
1 set:
1:00 lacrosse ball foot/side
1:00 standing pike stretch
10 rounds for time:
12 DB swings (35/50 lb)
30 double-unders
– 15:00 time cap.
– Use one DB.
10 rounds for time:
12 KB swings (26/35 lb)
30 double-unders
– 15:00 time cap.
CrossFit WOD, September 18, 2024
Pizza delivery warm-up
• Athletes will have 3 sets of :45 to hold AbMats over their heads while other athletes try to knock them down.
• If an athlete’s AbMat is knocked down, then that athlete must perform 6 reps of the penalty of their choice before jumping back into the game.
3 rounds:
:45 pizza delivery game
Penalty options:
– Air squats
– Good morning + jumps
– Up-downs
– RX –
5 rounds for distance:
:20 row
– Rest :40.
:30 row
– Rest :30.
:40 row
– Rest :20.
:50 row
– Rest :10.
1:00 row
– Rest 1:00.
Same as Rx’d
5 rounds at an easy pace:
:20 row
– Rest :40.
:30 row
– Rest :30.
:40 row
– Rest :20.
:50 row
– Rest :10.
1:00 row
– Rest 1:00.
1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 foam roll upper back
1:00 foam roll lats
5 sets for total distance:
5 rounds
:30 jog
:30 run
– No rest between paces.
– Rest 1:00 between sets.
CrossFit WOD, September 17, 2024
1 set:
200-meter run, slow
:30 alternating hamstring scoops
3 sets:
:30 PVC pass-throughs
:30 alternating Spiderman stretch
:30 Kang squats
100-meter run
1 set:
200-meter run, faster
Every 2:00 for 5 sets:
3 snatches)
– RX –
4 rounds for time:
400-m run
10 squat snatches (95/135 lb)
4 rounds for time:
400-m run
10 squat snatches (65/95 lb)
4 rounds for time:
300-m run
5 hang power snatches (35/45 lb)
5 overhead squats
1 set:
1:00 scorpion stretch/side
1:00 child’s pose stretch
4 rounds for time:
400-m run
16 alternating DB squat snatches (35/50 lb)
– Use one DB.
4 rounds for time:
400-m run
10 squat snatches (65/95 lb)
CrossFit WOD, September 16, 2024
– RX –
For time:
30 DB devils presses (35/50 lb)
50 DB step-ups (12 in)
– Use 2 dumbbells.
For time:
30 DB devils presses (20/35 lb)
50 DB step-ups (12 in)
– Use 2 dumbbells.
For time:
20 burpees
30 DB step-ups (12 in) (15/25 lb)
– Use 2 dumbbells.
1 set:
1:00 couch stretch/side
1:00 straddle stretch
For time:
30 DB devils presses (20/35 lb)
50 DB step-ups (12 in)
– Use 2 dumbbells.
For load:
Snatch, clean, or jerk:
5 reps x 3 sets at 50-60%
4 reps x 5 sets at 60-70%
– Welcome to week two of our Strength I cycle. For the next eight weeks, stick with the lift you chose in week one. You can change the lift in the next eight-week cycle.
– Use a recent one-rep-max to find your percentages.
– Take the barbell out of a rack for the jerk.
– Rest as needed between sets.
For load:
Shoulder press
– Max reps on the last set.
– Welcome to week two of our Strength II cycle where we will continue to shoulder press for four total weeks.
– Find a heavy set of 3 shoulder presses for the day followed by a max-rep set at that load.
– Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 3 reps in that final set without pushing to failure.
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
15 weighted hip extensions (25/45 lb)
Sandbag carry (100 ft) (100/150 lb)
– Choose a load that allows you to perform each set of hip extensions unbroken.
– The sandbag carry should be heavy. Hold the sandbag against your chest/stomach as you walk. Reduce the loading as needed. If the Rx’d loading isn’t heavy enough, feel free to go heavier.
– Substitute the sandbag for a double-kettlebell front-rack carry.
6 sets:
5 toes-to-bars
4 gymnastics kipping pull-ups
3 bar muscle-ups
– Rest as needed between sets.
– Perform all 12 reps without coming down from the bar. Rest as much as needed between sets to maintain this stimulus.
– If necessary, reduce the reps to 4/3/2 or 3/2/1 depending on your capacity.
– Notice the similarities in the kip swing. If you don’t actively press down into the bar in your backswing and/or push away from the top of each rep, expect some difficulty.
5 sets for max-calories:
3:00 Air bike
– Rest 1:00 between sets.
– 30-50 calories each set.
– Consistent paces across the 3-minute effort.
– Build stamina and conditioning.
– Increasing the pace with each effort. Sets 4 and 5 should be at a pace that is challenging to hold for the entire 3 minutes.
– Keep your chest high and push/pull with your arms and legs.
– Substitutions: Echo Bike, Assault Bike, C2 Bike, Ski erg, row, run.
– We are starting our 8 week strength cycle again. Choose a different lift than last time. Welcome to week 1 of our Strength cycle. For the next eight weeks, on Monday choose between Power or Squat Snatch or Strict Press, Wednesday choose between Power Clean or Squat Clean and on Thursday choose between Split or Push Jerk and stick with the same lift for the entire eight weeks. Some weeks we will mix in Back Squat or Front Squat on Tuesday’s and Deadlift on Friday’s
– Use a recent 1-rep-max to find your percentages. Week one sets and percentages
7 Sets For total weight:
4 sets of 5 Reps @ 50-60%
3 sets of 4 Reps @ 60-70%