CrossFit WOD, October 29, 2021

CrossFit WOD, October 29, 2021

Workouts today are to be done in costume and with your team of three.
Workout schedule is the same as everyday. The only difference is you are coming to workout in costume with your team of three. If you choose to workout before 4pm we encourage you to come back and hangout to watch the afternoon teams compete, enjoy a bevrage and some food.

Please only park your car around back if you are participating in trunk-or-treat for the kids. All you need to do is fill your trunk with some prizes or snacks for the kids to enjoy. We will start trunk-or-treat at 5pm.

Metcon (Time)
Team of Three:
3 Rounds
60 Wallballs
100m Run
60 Sit-ups
300m Row

Split reps however needed. Run together as a team

Picture of PPLAdmin
