CrossFit WOD, September 20, 2022

CrossFit WOD, September 20, 2022


Snatch OR Front Squat
Squat Snatch (Weight)
Squat Snatch

5 Sets of 3 @ 70-75%

– Stay within the percentage range given. 

– Snatches should be performed as singles and not touch and go reps.

Enter heaviest set.

Front Squat (5×3)

Kelly (Time)
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps, 24” / 20”
30 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#

– Run: Should take less than 2:15.

– Box Jumps: Stand all the way up on the box. Done in less than 1:15.

– Wallballs: Done in less than 1:30. 

– Run at a pace that allows you to excel on the indoor movements.

– Find a steady, consistent pace on the box jumps.

– Break the wallballs in a way that will allow you to rest for as little time between sets as possible. 5’s, 6’s, 8-8-7-7, 12-10-8, or 18-12 are some options for sets. 

– Major goal in this workout is to stay in motion. 

Picture of PPLAdmin
