For load:
ADRX Split Jerk
RX Push Jerk
2 sets of 3 at 70-80%
3 sets of 2 at 80-90%
4 sets of 1 at 90%+
– Welcome to week seven of our Strength cycle. Continue to stick with the same lift for the entire eight weeks. You can change the lift in the next eight-week cycle.
– Use the same 1-rep-max to find your percentages.
100 Calorie Row
100 Calorie Bike
1 Mile Jog
Perform in any order but each movement is unpartitioned
Partner WOD
4 Rounds: (18 Minute Time Cap)
15 Front Squats
15 Over the bar Burpees
15 Cal Echo Bike
ADV RX 135/95
Masters RX 115/85
Scaled 95/65
Split reps as needed
If you finish under the time cap max HSWalks for the remainder of the time. Every 10 ft. take 5 seconds off your time. Rx if you fall you start from the beginning of the 10ft mark. Masters and scaled can start where they left off.
Saturday October 19th, Sign up Link below: