CrossFit – Wed, Feb 19
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
2,000m Row
120 Calorie Echo Bike
2,000m Row
If class is larger than 6, start the second waive 12 minutes in and the first waive should consist of the people faster on the bike.
Extra Work (Checkmark)
10 minute double DB Carry, 50/35
Position 1: Farmer’s Carry
Position 2: Front Rack Carry
Position 3: Overhead Carry
Challenge your grip, forearms, shoulders, and upper back.
Hold 2 DB’s. Start in the farmers carry and walk as long as you can until you have to break. Once you pick the DB’s up again, move to front rack until you break, then overhead position then start back at farmers carry and so on.
This should take between 20-35 min