CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Distinguished (AMRAP – Reps)
0-3 min
Ring MU = 20 points
HSPU = 10 points
Wallballs = 3 points
10 Minute AMRAP Plus a 3 minute Bonus Round:
3-10 min
Athlete A – Max Cal Row
Athlete B – Max Thrusters
Athlete C – Dead hang
**Rotate whenever and however if at all.
**RX 95/65 Scaled 75/55
**Score is total Reps on the rower and thrusters
* One team member working at a time and each team member can choose any of the three movements.
*Points get added to your final rep count
Note the only change is MU are now worth 25 points.
You are working for a total of 10 minutes all together.
Golden Girls (Time)
For time with a 14 minute time cap
75 Burpee Cash-in (One person working at a time).
Athlete A Isabel (30 snatches)
Athlete B Grace (30 C&J)
Athlete C 30 Squat Cleans
RX 135/95 and Scaled 95/65
It is now a 100 Burpee cash in and the tiebreaker is the time you finish Isabel. Also you can tag team in and out whenever you want but you have to do the WOD in the order it is written. Burpees are to a 25# plate.