CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Power Snatch
3 Reps @ 50%
3 Reps @ 55%
2 Reps @ 60%
2 Reps @ 65%
1 Rep @ 70%
1 Rep @ 75%
5×1 to build to a heavy single
Isabel (Time)
For Time: 30 Snatches, 135# / 95#
Scaled option is 95/65 Or Grace
Optional Extra Strength Work
Back Squat
2 Rounds:
5 Reps @ 78%
3 Reps @ 82%
1 Rep @ 86%
Rest 2:00 between each set of squats
Extra Gymnastics Work
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Rounds:
40% of Max Unbroken Muscle-ups
30% of Max Unbroken Muscle-ups
20% of Max Unbroken Muscle-ups
*Rest as little as needed between unbroken sets and rest 2:00 between rounds.