CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
We would just like to thank those of you who continuously recognize CrossFit Allegiance on social media. It is a powerful marketing tool. We have never actually asked for the recognition but we are realizing that we should. We need the help. Our vision is Community, Health, Family and Fitness. We have built a community that cares about you. We offer a wide range of advice starting with nutrition, motivation, one on one personal skill training, daycare and additional programming. We do it because we care and it contributes to our vision. We have so many members that genuinely care about each other. Most of you came to CFA with no CrossFit experience and we have worked to develop and continue to develop you. Eric and I are thankful for all of you everyday. We have a great place that you should all be proud of so please we are kindly asking for you to share it on social media.
Squat Snatch (EMOM x 11)
Minute 1 @ 70%
Minute 2 @ 75%
Minute 3 @ 80%
… Minute 4 – Rest
Minute 5 @ 75%
Minute 6 @ 80%
Minute 7 @ 85%
… Minute 8 – Rest
Minute 9 @ 80%
Minute 10 @ 85%
Minute 11 @ 90%
Not on the clock:
3 Singles, around 85%
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds:
100 DU
50′ Handstand Walk (8 mat lengths)
5 Rope Climbs
10 Snatches (135/95)
50 DU
10 HSPU95/65
5 Rope Climbs
10 Snatches (95/65)