CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
20 DB Hang Clean & Jerks (50/35)
15 C2B
• Switch arms every 5 reps on the DB hang clean and jerks
Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD
3 Rounds
36’ Handstand Walk (each person)
14 power Cleans (155/105)
100m single arm DB farmers carry (hold DB at side. 50m each hand) 70/50# (each person)
3 Rounds
14 push press (135/95)
14 power Cleans (135/95)
100m single arm DB farmers carry (hold DB at side. 50m each hand) 50/35#
Split reps with one person working at a time. Each partner does 36’ HSW and each person does a total of 100m carry.