CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Distinguished (AMRAP – Reps)
0-3 min
Ring MU = 20 points
HSPU = 10 points
Wallballs = 3 points
10 Minute AMRAP Plus a 3 minute Bonus Round:
3-10 min
Athlete A – Max Cal Row
Athlete B – Max Thrusters
Athlete C – Dead hang
**Rotate whenever and however if at all.
**RX 95/65 Scaled 75/55
**Score is total Reps on the rower and thrusters
* One team member working at a time and each team member can choose any of the three movements.
*Points get added to your final rep count
Golden Girls (Time)
For time with a 14 minute time cap
75 Burpee Cash-in (One person working at a time).
Athlete A Isabel (30 snatches)
Athlete B Grace (30 C&J)
Athlete C 30 Squat Cleans
RX 135/95 and Scaled 95/65