2 more weeks left of Beast Mode Training
2 Rounds:
10 Cal row
10 hollow rocks
10 Step-Back Lunges 5/5
5 Push-ups
10 Cal row
10 hollow rocks
10 Step-Back Lunges 5/5
5 Push-ups
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Sets For Peak Wattage
10 Seconds as hard as possible
10 Seconds as hard as possible
Rest 3 minutes between sets
Scoring – Enter the highest wattage you see on the screen during your 10 second efforts.
It will show as reps in WODify
Set the damper on a higher setting than usual (7+)
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds For Time:
30/21 Calorie Row
5 Dumbbell Box Step Overs
30 Sit-ups
5 Dumbbell Box Step Overs
30/21 Calorie Row
5 Dumbbell Box Step Overs
30 Sit-ups
5 Dumbbell Box Step Overs
DB: 50/35
Box: 24/20"