CrossFit – Wed, Feb 22
Clean and Jerk (5 sets of 1 Complex)
<p>On the 3:00x 5 sets:</p><p>3 Hang Power Cleans</p><p>3 Front Squats</p><p>3 Push Jerks</p><p>*add weight or across, you choose.</p><p>*Hold onto the bar for the entire complex*</p>
Metcon (Time)
<p>25-20-15-10 Burpees to a target</p><p>500/450m Row</p><p>50 DU</p>
Grunt Work
<p>50 GHD’s</p><p>150’ HS Walk</p><p>400m Ski Erg or Run or Row</p><p>150’ HS Walk</p><p>50 GHD’s</p>