CrossFit – Mon, Feb 27
Clean (On the 2:30 x 6 sets:)
<p>Set 1: 5 Power Cleans</p><p>Set 2: 4 Power Cleans + 1 Squat Clean</p><p>Set 3: 3 Power Cleans + 2 Squat Cleans</p><p>Set 4: 2 Power Cleans + 3 Squat Cleans</p><p>Set 5: 1 Power Clean + 4 Squat Cleans</p><p>Set 6: 5 Squat Cleans</p><p> </p><p>-Reps should be performed touch and go for each set</p><p>-Choose your weight for each set</p><p>-Log your heaviest weight</p>
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
<p>AMRAP 5:</p><p>Buy-In 50 Wallballs 20/14</p><p>12 Deadlifts 185/135</p><p>12 Handstand Push-ups</p><p> </p><p>Rest 5 Minutes</p><p> </p><p>AMRAP 5:</p><p>Buy-In 35 Wallballs 20/14</p><p>9 Deadlifts 225/155</p><p>9 Deficit HSPU (3.5"/2")</p><p> </p><p>Rest 5 Minutes</p><p> </p><p>AMRAP 5:</p><p>Buy-In 20 Wallballs 20/15</p><p>6 Deadlifts 275/185</p><p>6 Strict HSPU</p><p> </p><p>***Immediately into Back Squat following the final AMRAP***</p>
Back Squat (Weight)
<p>Build to a heavy set of 5 Back Squats off the rack</p>