CrossFit WOD, July 6, 2021

CrossFit WOD, July 6, 2021


We will be building on these squats for the coming weeks. Super set means that we’ll complete the back squat, quickly change out weights (if needed) and then complete the Front Squat. There is little to no rest between the front and back squats but we will rest for 2:00 before completing the next super set.
All percentages are based on 5RM Back Squat (both front and back squat barbells)
Set 1:
10 Back Squats @65%
5 Front Squats @65%

Set 2:
8 Back Squats @70%
5 Front Squats @65%

Set 3:
6 Back Squats @75%
5 Front Squats @65%

Back Squat (10@65%, 8@70%, 6@75%)
Front Squat (5@65%, 5@65%, 5@65%)

Partner rowboat (Time)
Partner WOD
500m Row
400m Run
Rest 3:00 between rounds

Partner A starts on the row while partner B starts on the run then switch. One round is complete once both run and row. The 3:00 rest starts when the last person finishes.

Picture of PPLAdmin
