CrossFit WOD, March 17, 2020

CrossFit WOD, March 17, 2020


Metcon (Time)
For Time:
100 DU
50′ Handstand Walk
75 DU
50′ Handstand Walk
50 DU
50′ Handstand Walk
25 DU
50′ Handstand Walk

HSWalk is a total of 8 Mats
*10 Minute Time Cap*

In place of HSWalk Bear Crawl with 50/35# DB

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
For total working time:
On the 0: 1 Mile Run
On the 10: 130/100 Cal Row
On the 20: 130/100 Ca Bike

Run 8 laps around the building following our 200m marks or run down the block to the end and back.

In WODify R 1 is your run time, R2 is your Row time, R3 is your Bike time

After completing the 1 mile run, you will rest with whatever time remains until the 10 minute mark before completing the row
Follow the same format for the row into the bike.
You want some rest built it so you can maintain intensity for the next thing.
So if needed scale it with either reducing the distance/calories or set a time cap of 9 minutes for each movement
There is a 30 minute total time cap for the workout, which means you’ll have 10 minutes to complete the final station

