CrossFit WOD, March 26, 2025

CrossFit WOD, March 26, 2025

CrossFit – Wed, Mar 26

Deadlift (3 x 2 add weight each set)


3 Sets [Building In Weight]:
2 Deadlifts at 85-95%+

• Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets

Score: Heaviest Load

– Again, This is the fourth and final week of our 4-week Heavy Doubles strength cycle. This cycle is designed to help build maximum strength by focusing on lifting near-maximal weights for two repetitions.

– If you are feeling good, the bar is moving well, your technique is dialed in, and you want to, feel free to go heavier than 95%, even up to a new 2-rep max if you have it in you today!

– If you are struggling to maintain form/technique decrease the weight in order to move well.

– Shoulders must end behind the barbell at the top of every rep. These reps should be completed touch-and-go with no stopping at the floor to rest, rebrace, or regrip.

Achooooo! (AMRAP – Reps)

On the Minute x 10:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
Max Lateral Burpees Over Barbell

Barbell: 135 / 95

Score: Total Burpees

– Overview: Test your aerobic power, particularly your ability to utilize oxygen at high-intensity levels (VO2 max). Work at a challenging yet smart pace throughout that allows you to maintain or increase your efforts toward the end.

– Choose a barbell weight that allows you to complete the front squats and push jerks unbroken throughout. We’re looking for the barbell reps to take about 30-40 seconds, leaving you about 20-30 seconds for the burpees.

– Lateral Burpees Over Barbell: A two-foot take-off is not required, but you are required to jump over the bar (rather than step over). Both feet should be in the air at the same time.

– Intended Intensity: RPE 7-8

– Target Loading: Light-Moderate

– Target Score: 40-80 Burpees

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