CrossFit – Tue, Mar 4
One of Verdict Ridge's most recognizable and popular members, Ms. Leslie Auton, has experienced a major medical episode. She is currently sedated and on a ventilator at Atrium Main in Charlotte. Shane, and the family, have asked us to notify the membership of Leslie's situation so she may be included in your prayers.
Please pray for Leslie and Shane, and for a positive outcome. Although greatly appreciated, Shane asked to please hold all text, emails and phone calls at this time so he and the family can focus on Leslie and her treatment.
The Club will keep the membership apprised of any updates and/or changes to Leslie's condition.
One of Verdict Ridge's most recognizable and popular members, Ms. Leslie Auton, has experienced a major medical episode. She is currently sedated and on a ventilator at Atrium Main in Charlotte. Shane, and the family, have asked us to notify the membership of Leslie's situation so she may be included in your prayers.
Please pray for Leslie and Shane, and for a positive outcome. Although greatly appreciated, Shane asked to please hold all text, emails and phone calls at this time so he and the family can focus on Leslie and her treatment.
The Club will keep the membership apprised of any updates and/or changes to Leslie's condition.
Weighted Pull-ups (5×2 build in weight)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
On the 1:30 x 10 Sets:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Pull-ups
30 DU
Max Calorie Row
Score is total Row Calories
Target score 100-200 calories 🙂
Extra Work (Checkmark)
5 Rounds
10-8-6-4-2 Barbell Rollouts
30 sec side plank (R)
30 sec side plank (L)
rest 1-2 minutes between sets