CrossFit – Fri, Mar 7
Power Snatch (3×3 3×2 3×1)
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds For Time:
10 unbroken Power Snatches 95/65
15/12 Calorie Echo Bike
If you take a break on the power snatch and they are not unbroken add 5/4 calories to your bike.
15 minute time cap
Extra Work (Checkmark)
3 Giants Sets
Big set of strict chin-ups
Big set of strict chin-ups (Light moderate Band)
Big set of strict chin-ups (Moderate Heavy Band)
3 minute rest between giant sets
This helps with muscle endurance
goal is at least 6 reps each time.
On the Minute x 9:
Minutes 1-2-3 (3 Power Snatches)
Minutes 4-5-6 (2 Power Snatches)
Minutes 7-8-9 (1 Power Snatch)
Start at 60% and build
log 3×1