CrossFit – Tue, May 23
Clean and Jerk (10-8-6-4-2)
<p>10 @55%</p><p>8 @65%</p><p>6 @70%</p><p>4 @80%</p><p>2 @85-90%</p><p>These can be squat or power as well as split or push. They do not need to be touch and go. This is to be done for time. Put your total time in the comments.</p>
Here and There (Time)
<p>For Time:</p><p>800-600-400 meter Run</p><p>40-30-20 Deadlifts 135/95</p><p>20-15-10 Kipping HSPU</p><p> </p><p>The weight is lighter on the barbell and the reps are on the higher side. Deadlift load should not exceed 45% of 1RM</p>
Extra Work (Weight)
<p>Build to a heavy set of 20</p><p>Try to take no more than 2 attempts. Rest 3-5 minutes</p><p>Aim to hit 50-60% or 1 RM thruster</p><p>You can pause overhead or in front rack.</p>
Extra Work
<p>Strict HSPU on the minute</p><p>5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1</p>