CrossFit WOD, May 5, 2020

CrossFit WOD, May 5, 2020

This weeks winners will pick teams and who they want to compete against each other on Saturday.

Tuesday Zoom Schedule:
Tuesday Power Abs Zoom 3PM

Monday-Friday CF Classes 8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 4PM, 5:30PM

Tuesday 7pm Throw Down. We have: Amy, Chelsea, & Todd. All to complete WOD two at the same time on Zoom at 7pm.

Zoom 564-790-2205
password 243401

Couple of reminders:
You have until Wednesday at Midnight to log all of your scores. You can redo any WOD up until midnight.

One WOD will be posted on Monday only, one WOD on Tuesday only and one WOD on Wednesday. This will make reading the leaderboard for each WOD easier.

YOU NEED A JUDGE ON ZOOM OR in person for every WOD. It can be anyone.

EVERYONE IS PARTICIPATING. Put your score in WODIFY PLEASE! This will only be fun if everyone does it.

Metcon (Time)
For Time:
3 Rounds
20 DB Snatch alternating every rep (50/35#)
20 DB Thrusters single arm, alternate every 5 reps (50/35#)

Picture of PPLAdmin
