CrossFit WOD, October 20, 2022

CrossFit WOD, October 20, 2022

CrossFit – Thu, Oct 20

Halloween at CFA
<p>Thursday October 27th Thursday</p><p>Please get a team together of 2 or more for this very fun event.&nbsp; If you have questions about the day please let us know.&nbsp; You can also revert back to October 5th in WODify for details.&nbsp; We made the theme Hollywood but if you already have your costume no worries.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
<p>5 Rounds&nbsp;</p><p>Minutes 1: Calorie Row</p><p>Minute 2: Step-ups</p><p>Minute 3: Rope Climbs or Strict Pull-ups</p><p>Minute 4: Rest</p>

Picture of PPLAdmin
