CrossFit WOD, October 9, 2023

CrossFit WOD, October 9, 2023

CrossFit – Mon, Oct 9

Push Jerk (7-5-3-7-5-3)

7 @65%

5 @75%

3 @85%

7 @70%

5 @80%

3 @90%

Rest 1-2 Minutes between sets

Steel Trap (Time)

5 Rounds:

10 Power Cleans 135/95

10 Bar-Facing Burpees

— Rest 5 minutes —

5 Rounds:

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

10 Bar-Facing Burpees

30 minute Time Cap

Barbell should not be more than 65% of your power clean. The goal is to take about 1:30 on the cleans. The burpees should take 1 minute or less each round and the bike 1:30 or less.

*Total score includes the rest.

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