CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Back Squat (1×3)
Work up to a moderate set of 3 moderate Back Squats
Metcon (Time)
For time
15 Thrusters, 95/65
30 Calorie Row
90 Double Unders
30 Calorie Row
15 Thrusters, 95/65
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Snatch (EMOMx8min)
Min 1: 1 rep @ 60# under PR
Min 2: 1 rep @ 50# under PR
Min 3: 1 rep @ 40# under PR
Min 4: 1 rep @ 30# under PR
Min 5: 1 rep @ 50# under PR
Min 6: 1 rep @ 40# under PR
Min 7: 1 rep @ 30# under PR
Min 8: 1 rep @ 20# under PR
Halting Snatch Grip Deadlift (5×1)
5 sets of Pausing Snatch Grip Deads at 25# over 1RM Snatch – pause 2″ off the ground for 5 seconds before standing the weight all the way up.
Metcon (Time)
2 RFT:
20 KB Snatch 24/16kg
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
5 RFT:
12 Wall Balls, 24/20
12 KBS, 24/16kg
200m Run
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
RX: CrossFit Games Open 16.3 (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 7 minutes
10 power snatches
3 bar muscle-ups
Men use 75 lb.
Women use 55 lb.
Scale: CrossFit Games Open 16.3 Scaled (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 7 Minutes
10 power snatches
5 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups
Men use 45 lb.
Women use 35 lb.
Teen: CrossFit Games Open 16.3 Teens 14-15 (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 7 Minutes
10 power snatches
3 bar muscle-ups
Boys use 65 lb.
Girls use 45 lb.
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Happy Birthday Bo!
Metcon (Time)
Partner A runs 800
Partner B runs 800
Partner A runs 600
Partner B runs 600
Partner A runs 400
Partner B runs 400
Partner A runs 200
Partner B runs 200
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Happy Birthday to Rhonda Halford and Happy 1st Birthday to Avery!
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 rounds of:
Minute 1: 15/12 Cal Row
Minute 2: 15 Wallballs, 20/14
Minute 3: 15 SDHP, 95/65
Minute 4: 15 Push Press, 95/65
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
5 MU
10 Snatches (135/95)
25 Goblet Squats 24/16kg
Metcon (Time)
6×6 unbroken Kipping HSPU
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rds of:
:40 of max rep Push Jerks, 135/95
:20 rest
:40 of max rep Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20
:20 rest
:40 of max rep Deadlifts, 225/155
:20 rest
:40 of max rep row for calories
:20 rest
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
RX: CrossFit Games Open 16.2 (AMRAP – Reps)
4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of:
25 Toes To Bar
50 Double Unders
Squat Cleans*
*Round 1 – 15 @ 135# / 85#
*Round 2 – 13 @ 185# / 115#
*Round 3 – 11 @ 225# / 145#
*Round 4 – 9 @ 275# / 175#
*Round 5 – 7 @ 315# / 205#
Time extends by 4-minutes when completing around. If you complete Round 5, your score is the time you finish.
Scale: CrossFit Games Open 16.2 Scaled (AMRAP – Reps)
4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of:
25 Hanging Knee Raises
50 Single Unders
Squat Cleans*
*Round 1 – 15 @ 95# / 55#
*Round 2 – 13 @ 115# / 75#
*Round 3 – 11 @ 135# / 95#
*Round 4 – 9 @ 155# / 115#
*Round 5 – 7 @ 185# / 135#
Time extends by 4-minutes when completing around. If you complete Round 5, your score is the time you finish.
Teen: CrossFit Games Open 16.2 Teens 14-15 (AMRAP – Reps)
4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of:
25 Toes To Bar
50 Double Unders
Squat Cleans*
*Round 1 – 15 @ 95# / 55#
*Round 2 – 13 @ 115# / 75#
*Round 3 – 11 @ 135# / 95#
*Round 4 – 9 @ 155# / 105#
*Round 5 – 7 @ 185# / 115#
Time extends by 4-minutes when completing around. If you complete Round 5, your score is the time you finish.
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Happy 40th Birthday Angie!!!
Metcon (Time)
Happy Birthday Angie!
400m Run
40 Sit-ups
40 Air squats
40 Jumping Jacks
40 KBS 24/16kg