CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Happy Birthday Chris and Tom C!
No scaling, Ring MU only or you can do MU skill work if you are interested.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Rounds:
35% of Max Unbroken Muscle-ups
25% of Max Unbroken Muscle-ups
15% of Max Unbroken Muscle-ups
*Rest as little as needed between unbroken sets,
and rest 2:00 between rounds.
If you do not have MU
MU or Pull-up Goat
Hangman (Time)
Partner WOD
3 Rounds:
60 Hang Cleans (115/80)
60 Wall Balls (20/14)
60/50 Calorie Row
ADV RX as written
RX 95/65
Scaled 75/55
Back Squat (log your 2×3 @ 82%)
2 Rounds:
7 Reps @ 74%
5 Reps @ 78%
3 Reps @ 82%
Optional Extra Strength Work
Squat Snatch (log your 3×1@82%)
On the Minute x 12 (3 Rounds)
Minute 1 – 3 Reps @ 72%
Minute 2 – 2 Reps @ 77%
Minute 3 – 1 Rep @ 82%
Minute 4 – Rest