CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Sweatshirts are in 🙂
No IOU’s please. You can pay with cash, check or Venmo. We have some extras if you did not order and there are 2 Kid sizes.
Cluster (EMOM x 10min: 1 Cluster)
Squat Clean into a thruster
Work up to a heavy single
Under the Lights (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP x 8min:
3 Thrusters (95/65)
3 T2B
6 Thrusters (95/65)
6 T2B
9 Thrusters (95/65)
9 T2B
ADV RX as written
RX 75/55
12 days of Christmas 2015 (Time)
1 Rope Climb
2 Push Jerks 135/95
3 T2B
4 Box Jumps
5 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95
6 HR Push ups
7 Dead, 135/95
8 Abmat Situps
9 KBS, 32/24
10 Lunges (10 each side)
11 Wall Balls (20/14)
12 Burpees over the Bar
ADV RX 155/105
Round 1: 1 Rope Climb
Round 2: 2 Push Jerk + Rope Climb
Round 3: 3 T2B + 2 PJ + 1 Rope Climb
Round 4: 4 BJ + 3 T2B + 2 PJ + 1 RC..