Pop and Granddaughter working out together at CrossFit Allegiance
Pop and Granddaughter working out together at CrossFit Allegiance Read More »
What is our vision at CrossFit Allegiance? Why choose us? Our ultimate goal is fitness, health, wellness, disease prevention, longevity, and to stay out of the nursing home as we enjoy life. We want to create productive people. At CFA, we have a family of humble, healthy people that want to kick butt into their
What is CrossFit Allegiance all about? Read More »
What is our vision at CrossFit Allegiance? Why choose us? Our ultimate goal is fitness, health, wellness, disease prevention, longevity, and to stay out of the nursing home as we enjoy life. We want to create productive people. At CFA, we have a family of humble, healthy people that want to kick butt into their
What is CrossFit Allegiance all about? Read More »
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit Happy Birthday Noah! Gymnastics 1 min Ring MU (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP 1 minute Ring Muscle-Ups *Benchmark Test. Does not need to be unbroken. ADV RX as written RX C2B Scaled pull-ups or accessory work Metcon Metcon (Time) 30 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 50 Thrusters (65/45) 70/50 Calorie Row Snatch 1