CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Teams of 4 to 6
20 minute AMRAP
50 Meter Prowler Push 25# (push to 25m in driveway and back)
100 Meter Plate Carry (45/25#)
200 Meter Run (down and back in driveway 2 times)
In a relay fashion, the teams form a single file line.
Athlete 1 starts with the 50 meter prowler.
As soon as that athlete returns, he or she moves onto the 100 meter plate carry.
Athlete 2 can then start the prowler… and so forth.
NOTE: ***If the small prowler needs to be used add 85#’s to it.
Once athlete 1 finishes a round that counts as one round. Once athlete 2 finishes a round that counts as 2 rounds.